
   Today Mr. Craddick is trying to add his bad HB 2087 to SB 1294.    There is no beef about SB 1294 in my mind, but we need to help it's author, Mr Keffer, keep HB 2087 from being attached to his bill.    Please let your state senators know that you do not want HB 2087 attached to SB 1294.   This will come to vote yet today as the session will be running into the night. 

      Please do any research you feel is necessary and act your conscience quickly.   A phone call is best at this late hour in the legislative session. 


Phone numbers for the senators can be found here:


Link to SB 1294

Views: 44

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Mle, thanks for posting this.  Can you tell me if he was successful in getting 2087 attached? 
Thanks so much for answering, mle. Hopefully they won't try to pass it again!



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