We have 19 acres leased in Walker, LA...off of Lockhart Ln./ Gaylord Rd. (Sec 31-6-4) The lease is with Strand Energy. Anyone have any knowledge of the area and what the potential might be?

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Welcome to the Livingston Parish, LA discussion group, Chad Mayo.  I too am new to this site.  I really like getting the news from the people on the ground.  I am not familiar with any news on your lease area or Strand Energy.  Maybe someone else can help.  Our land is located in the well unit for the Denham Springs Country Club #1 well (near Eden Church Rd.).  We are just waiting to hear any news of that well, or nearby wells.

chad, the only discernible activity in your general area is the Denham Springs Country Club well.  Here is a link to the well file:  http://sonlite.dnr.state.la.us/sundown/cart_prod/cart_con_wellinfo2...

Chad,   I've got relatives on Pendarvis Rd who've recently signed the geophysical seismic research approvals; and I'm wondering what they might have found over there?  You may also want to click to follow  this thread regarding the DSCC#1 well (Lockhart Crossing). 

Hey Guys,

I'm new to this group. The problem is GHS is getting too fragmented. Its really hard to follow all of the different threads. To answer your question about what the interest or potential is. My guess it could be TUSC., Austin Chalk or even Wilcox. As you know there is drilling in Denham Springs for TUSC. There is a lot of drilling to the North for Wilcox. The area is prime for Austin Chalk but right now there is little interest in drilling and developing that formation. Hope someone sees something in the seismic that turns them on. At least you have that going for you. 

For Joe, and others who find it hard to keep up with all the topics being discussed on GHS,  if you follow these suggestions I think you will find that it's actually quite easy.


   As far as keeping up with GHS, I always go to the
main page and click "Latest", which is everything.

DJ if you will notice Ship's posts and some others don't show up under the latest tab. I wish they did because it would make things easier to keep up with.

Guys, there is no short cut or easy substitute for reviewing all the groups and joining the ones of interest.  After that all you need do is post a comment in a discussion thread or click on Follow.  Then all new discussions and replies to existing discussions will result in an email alert sent directly to you.  You do have to log on and check out the new Main Page discussions because there is no email notification for that.  It really is simple once you learn and use these basic options.


Just my own humble opinion, but "all activity" (latest) here is of interest, very valuable insider info, as far as I'm concerned.  Any way to get all posts to show up under latest?  Otherwise, what's happening to me is that I'm stumbling around clicking on member profiles and reading their history. 17 members online, and so I just point and click ;)

Now that there are so many plays/areas and individual groups you have to be interested in anything and everything to use latest activity to navigate the site.  Most members have a somewhat focused area or areas of interest.  By using the options I describe and that Keith has published in his "How To" post each member can customize the content available on the site.  If you have any suggestions for changes to the site architecture, you should make them to Keith.

  This site gets very little traffic daily, which is why I prefer to read everything.  Thanks, and appreciate all you do here.

Then join all the groups.  It's easy.


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