I don't have any credible information but I have been told to watch the Chevron well in NE Panola Co. that they just rigged down on.

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Do you know the name of the well?


Kathy, can you narrow down the well location?  Chevron just moved a rig (last week) from the May Sealy #A4H which is a hz. Travis Peak well and it has a location NE of Fairplay.  They were (recently) drilling the Vera Harrison #19H and finished it a couple of weeks ago.  It is Wildcat/Cotton Valley hz located south of Beckville. There are several other wells they have drilled since the first of the year (but not reported yet) but those are the two most recent rig downs. 

jffree1--- Did Chevron truely drill a Hz Travis Peak well? ( Sealy#A4H) That's Wild. Never heard of such. When you see a IP and info on well please let me know---Very Interesting if is a Hz Travis Peak

adubu, yes... Chevron has drilled several (6-8) horizontal Travis Peak wells in Panola County.  I have not seen completion reports on any of them but I haven't looked in a little while, either.

Kathy, this is a Chevron experiment, I believe, and I've heard the same thing.  I think it is because TP is usually produced from traps where the contiguous area is small and "hit or miss" on a successful completion.

You'd have to get a geologist to explain further.  I've reached the outer limit on my knowledge of the Travis Peak formation.  I note the permits in my data set because of the "novelty" and so I'll remember to look them up (when/if something is ever reported) to see what the results are.


jffree-- very interesting I wonder if they just list as such on permit but in fact drill H CV or Shale wells--- if you find any that are reported on RRC initial reports showing formation tops and production interval that are Hz TP PLEASE IF YOU REMEMBER POINT ME TO THE REPORTS> THANKS

adubu, I just looked and there are several completions reported now.  I don't have time to sift through them today but you can find them (easily) by searching Panola Co. and setting the field for Carthage (Travis Peak 6400), ID#16032928


I believe this is close to my wells and I have a article I posting the link that supports this.


Our wells are located south of beckville just above FairPlay off the FairPlay Hwy, we've been told years ago Chevron planned to drill wells in the Travis peak and they did drill 3 on my cousins land that were good wells then the bottom fell out and we have not heard another word. Pls let us know anything you hear or know of.
Thanks for the info, I'm been told for yrs this was chevrons plans! I'm trying to find out just how close the shiver well is to us, some of my relatives are shivers.
Thanks again Kathy, I'm located between Hwy 149 and FM 124 on co rd 2502 approx 6-8 miles out of beckville, looks like this is very very close and hopefully they will move my direction. My lease on this unit is with chevron and I also have some off of FM 124 right at Youngblood Cementary that is with Samson and McGoldrick. I recently was up there for the annual meeting at Youngblood and got no news. My relatives that we're able to provide info have all passed. Thanks again and good luck to you also.
Wanted to let you know Kathy, I've just found out this new Shivers well is approx 1 mile from us, fingers crossed and praying. Good Luck to you also
Thanks kathy, this unit is all under lease to chevron and I have some other that was leased to McGoldrick which has farmed it out to Samson back in the early 90's. McGoldrick has one well they kept and retained the rights in TP. They tell me we have oil there as well, also a cousin back in the later 90's had a oil well drilled by chevron and they told him they intended to drill many more, his was a so called test well. About that time the bottom fell out and we never heard another word about it. I'm hoping with this joint venture between Anadrarko, Chevron, Samson and Markwest they will be drilling lots more of these wells. Best to you and thanks for the info.


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