
Red River Parish

All things, people, companies, places & geology related to the Haynesville Shale play in Red River Parish.

Location: Red RIver Parish
Members: 307
Latest Activity: Nov 21, 2023

Discussion Forum

Request For Assistance

In order to help a NW LA mineral owner who has been denied the opportunity to fully benefit from their Haynesville Shale acreage, I am asking the members for their assistance.  I need to document…Continue

Started by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant Oct 22, 2020.

Lease Group Letter Agreement Assistance Request

I would like to connect with the leaders and/or members of Haynesville lease groups who successfully negotiated the Letter Agreement process and leased in the early days of the Haynesville land…Continue

Started by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant Oct 13, 2020.

Unleased Mineral Owners in Haynesville Shale Units

If you are a UMI under a well or wells operated by the following companies, I would like to speak with you.  Click on my name in blue to go to my private page.  If you are not already a "friend",…Continue

Started by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant Feb 18, 2020.

Goodrich in Red River

Goodrich is also drilling its Cason-Dickson 14 and 23 No. 1 and 2 wells in the Red River Parish. The Cason-Dickson wells are planned as 10,000 foot laterals and expected to be fracked in February. …Continue

Started by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) Jan 3, 2018.

Shut In Wells 3 Replies

Wondering about two wells in Red River Parish listed as shut in. #250240 and #250241? Novice here so any information much appreciated.Continue

Started by R B. Last reply by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant Dec 12, 2017.

Long Petroleum 8 Replies

What are all these Long Petroleum leases in the Red River Parish Legal news?

Started by cocodrie man. Last reply by jkw3 Sep 16, 2014.

Drilling in DeSoto Parish and Red River Parish 10 Replies

Broadly speaking, the drilling activity in DeSoto and Red River Parishes into the Haynesville has historically been similar.  Surely, DeSoto Parish has more often than not had more rigs working than…Continue

Started by cocodrie man. Last reply by Charles Edward Luke Jun 30, 2014.

Section 20 or 17 14N 9W royalties

Wondering if anyone in section 20 14n 9w or 17 14n 9w getting paid royalties yet for the well that has been producing since June?Continue

Started by coral Dec 3, 2012.

Thorn Lake Field 7 Replies

New permits continue to be taken in Red River Parish.  Petrohawk has recently permitted two wells in the Thorn Lake Field (09-14-11).  What is the economic impetus for this?  Why do some companies…Continue

Started by cocodrie man. Last reply by Spring Branch,mineral owner May 11, 2012.

Shell Permits New Shale Gas Well in Carroll Creek Field 6 Replies

Shell has permitted a new well in Section 21 of T12N-R2W in the Carroll Creek Field.  From the permitted vertical depth it appears this will be another Bossier Shale test rather than the Haynesville…Continue

Started by Les Bamburg. Last reply by Spring Branch,mineral owner May 11, 2012.

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Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on December 9, 2021 at 15:50

The state has a minimum royalty requirement of a quarter.  Bonuses are usually a little above what is offered to private mineral owners owing to the public notice concept of the bid process.  We don't tend to keep up with the monthly auctions like we used to but there have been a number of bid tracts well within the established boundary of the Haynesville shale in the last few months.

Comment by David Crockett on December 9, 2021 at 15:45

At the state lease sale on Dec. 3, 2021 I saw that 130 acres was leased by Cypress Energy Corporation for $2,800 per acre, with 25% royalty

Comment by Brownie on October 31, 2013 at 9:29

Thank you for your reply.

Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on October 31, 2013 at 9:10

Unless Devon has negotiated a farm out for CV rights I don't know what they would drill since they have no legacy leasehold.  If Devon was leasing on any meaningful scale I think we would have heard about it from landowners by now.  Chesapeake has CV production in several fields for dry gas but any new drilling would most likely be exploring for wet gas.  There is a fairway in S Caddo/N DeSoto which is productive for wet gas but it doesn't seem to extend far enough to reach Red River.  CHK has drilled a few horizontal CV wells in that general area but has not had any success.  Either they don't have the right formula or their wells are outside the fairway.  Or both.  Indigo is the predominant operator in the CV liquids fairway and it is pretty far west of Red River.

Comment by Brownie on October 31, 2013 at 8:56

I have heard that Chesapeake and Devon will soon be moving rigs into Red River parish to drill horizontal CV wells. Has anybody else heard this?

Comment by cocodrie man on July 29, 2012 at 1:13

The guesses/estimates of the price of natural gas necessary for drilling to begin again in the Haynesville vary greatly.  The variables are many and confusing.  One guess said that drilling would begin again at $4.15 in places where the infrastructure is in place (such as Red River Parish and much of the Haynesville Play).  Other estimates for dry gas have been much higher.  As Les B has demonstrated, there are many pads, sites, and leases waiting to be drilled.  What price must gas achieve in order for the drilling to resume?

Comment by Jamie on June 20, 2011 at 8:26
Our leases was up in March and it was not extended. We called to get more info and were told that the money was not there to leases the land. They were hoping that within the next few years the money would be. I don't believe that - because we were also told it closed more to do the work to cover everything back then to go ahead with the drilling.

It is a little frustrating to see all the trees down and the area messed up -for what- no reason!! There were many beautiful Oak trees that were cut down. We would just like to know the truth.
Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on June 20, 2011 at 7:45
BJ.  EnCana was exercising extension options in the 4th Quarter of 2010 and even some into the 1st Quarter 2011.  Then they just stopped and started allowing leases to expire that are right next door literally to the ones they extended just a month or two before.  This change in direction is less about the prospective nature of the rock in a particular area as it is a corporate decision at the highest levels to spend limited capital in maximizing cash flow profit.  In general that means not drilling any new sections and drilling alternate unit wells in sections already drilled where infrastructure exists.  I hope that Section 26 will get a well on that pad but I don't put good odds on it.  Only the local EnCana staff knows for sure.  Have you tried calling them?
Comment by BJ on June 20, 2011 at 7:30
Skip, Jamie, and and anyone else who may know anything about this pad that was to be and got pulled.  Skip, I know what you've said about the possibilty of why this pad in no longer, but you have to understand that I live right here at the pad site and something definitely happened to make Encana stop. If you remember, I asked this question earlier to see if you know  why. They came in here and was only going to build a small pad, then within days, it was going to be a superpad, then when it was ready for the rock, the next thing we knew they were filling in the hole. I also know that the a lot of the leases that were to expire in May-June did get extended for 1 year. Leases in this area are still being extended for a year. I realize that you probably don't know this area very well, but there is a major subdivision on Grand Bayou Lake with a lot of big names that have built where this pad site was supposed to be. I cant't help but fill like Encana will come back here to this area within a year, for one thing I also know that they have marked and paid for a pad site in S25 a couple of years ago. Maybe I'm just wishful thinking about that, but I would still like to find out about the pad site in S26 12 9. Hope someone out there will share info if they have any as to why? Thanks
Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on June 17, 2011 at 15:29
Jamie, there are numerous Section 26s in Red River Parish.  Without a township and range to go with the section or other information that would indicate which well you are asking about, no one can give you an answer.

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