has anyone heard of leases in this area if so how much? I was offerd 4000 but have not leased as of yet

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DTO, I have not heard of any offers in the that area. What company made the offer and what was the royalty %.

By the way, have you been contacted about a new seismic survey in the area?
it was pride who made the offer and the roalty is 25% for a 4 year term on the lease and i think a 2yr opt to release.No i havent been contacted about the seismic
Leased tracts Sec 18 & 30 T12N R8W to Pride for the same royalties & $4000/acre bonus in April
so it should be better now i would think.But i heard it was slowing down a whole lot. but im not sure i dont know nothing about this stuff so any help would be great . thinks for the infoBLZBub
BLZBub, so you and DTO both have land near La 784. It looks as though EnCana is trying to tie up the area.
All we have leased by Encana/Shell
DTO, thanks for the additional information.
My property is down by the airport on the Red Oak Road. My last offer was $5000 per acre, about six weeks ago. I would think your offer should be a little better than that.


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