Mostly Devon leases.  I hope it's a monster.



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 jffree I just found out today my land is in the unit by the platt when can you expect the Division Orders you are talking about?
Nomac rig #60 was moving on last Friday.
Has this been completed?  Can't seem to find any information on this.
It's finished drilling but still has to be fracked and tied in to a pipeline.
jffree I replyed above but I'll repeat it here I just found out that my land is in the unit by the platt when can I expect the  Division Orders you are talking about?
Phillip, It could still be several months.  The rule says royalties should be paid by 120 days from the end of the month of first production.  The well may not be completed to sales for another 2-3 months (hopefully less) and then you have at least another 4 months to wait.  They can also go past 120 days and pay interest on the royalties due if there is a problem proving title on the unit tracts.  If you are lucky, you may have a check by Christmas.
 Thats cool with me I've waited almost three years a few more months wont make any difference just glad I got on a unit. I'll be a reaguler on here again I haven't been on here much because there wasn't much going on in my part of Sabine Co.                                       Thanks jffree
You're welcome and I'm happy for your good fortune.  Let's hope you get a monster well.
 Heck yea I had figured they were going to let the lease run out to lease at a lower price maybe it will be a monster!

 Ok I have a question on the platt there are 3 circles

West Spoon GU SBN 1H P.U.P.P.

West Spoon GU SBN 1H P.S.H.L.

West Spoon GU SBN 1H P.B.H.L.

 Is this 3 wells???

No, those indicate the surface location, penetration point (of the formation) and bottom hole location of the well bore.
Ok you lost me witch one is witch?



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