Eyes Are On Southern Part Of Haynesville Shale Play In Texas
The fact that Devon is drilling for the Haynesville Shale due east of the town of San Augustine County, Texas will most likely cause other operators that have leasehold in the area to ramp up drilling operations very soon. Chesapeake will probably be next following Devon in Sabine County, Texas. Chesapeake has several thousand acres leased in the northern part of the county.

Posted by Jurassic Exploration Inc on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 15:47

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the island and the uplift are two different things from the maps i have seen, what the geologic significance is i have no clue.
I think it's because we don't have enough infrastructure (yet) and it's a higher risk (less explored) area for Bossier/Haynesville depths. There was some talk last year about geologic anomalies in the lower half of the county but that shouldn't stop them in the north half.
Every one take heart, last year i was being told the same things about my land around noble, la....unproven, to deep, on fringe, etc. one good well in the area changed everything. Now the play is moving futher south....don't be unreasonable but also don't lease your land so cheaply you will be kicking yourself a year later. ( or less)
Rick, I happen to agree that royalty is much the greater issue on a lease. I did notice that you used 1/5 instead of 1/4 in your example... do you think it is going to be diffucult for us (mineral owners) to negotiate 25% at this time? Or, were you just using a figure that works well in "what if" calculations?

Aside from this, I noticed that the Sabine River Authority is putting some lake tracts up for bid with a $1000.00 minimum on bonus. It was in the Sabine Co. Reporter last week under legal notices.
I think most who have leased in this area have been for 20% royalty, but it's early. Companies always go through and lease the low hanging fruit for less royalty, people who are uninformed or need money. It might be 18 months, but as gas creeps back to the $6-7 range, no way people will be leasing for less than 1/4. JMHO especially when wells being drilled come in 15-20Mmcfd or more.
Words of wisdom jon.


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