I went to the Hall location yesterday and the Attoayac construction LLC has almost finished the location and  am anxious to see the rig moving in. They tell  it will be a big rig to go 18500 ft.

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Thanks, Frank. My only question is, if it is dry gas coming out of the shale... what is the treatment facility for? CO2, H2S??
I was told by the Tenaska people that it was for CO2 removal.
Report at TRRC filed today. Has the G-1, but is listed at Shut-In producer so no IP yet listed at this time.

Total depth was a bit over 12,900 and the pay zone listed at 12,500'.

The last formation listed on the report was the Cotton Valley at 10,300 but producing zone listed as Wildcat at 12,500'.

In any event, it seems to potentially be good news for y'all down there in Sabine who have been fearing previous discussions about the deeper zones being "pinched out".

Good luck to y'all..
Great news!!!!!!! They started flowing gas into the pipeline from the Hall well yesterday. Pipeline is totally complete and the plant on Hwy. is operational (will be totally complete in a week.) Found out there is not a compressor station at the head of the line, but a "launching station" which will be used to purge and clean the line in the future as needed. Original plans called for compressor station but plans changed. Guess we may see an IP or daily production data in the near future.
That is great news Frank! I also saw where the pipeline company has recorded many ROW's for the E/W line. We are getting close.
What is everybody's estimate of a good IP for this vertical?
I broke my crystal ball Ken. No idea.
I have a question. On the completion report- formations encountered mentions James Lime, Travis Peak, and Cotton Valley and no mention of Middle Bossier/Haynesville. My understanding is that Haynesville lies immediately below Cotton Valley. Did they elect to just not go there, its not there, or stop at the pay zone now being produced because it was good enough??? Probably a stupid question but pls. comment. Thanks.
Frank, I noticed that but I think they were just trying to not put out too much information on the report. I have seen Haynesville reports that stop the formation record with Cotton Valley or Taylor Sand (CV). They put as little as they can get away with when they are trying to keep things hush, hush. And this was the first well in over twen close to thirty years to complete this deep. There were a couple that drilled deep enough in the 90's but were completed in shallower intervals (AC) or P&A altogether.
Give them credit....they have done very good with the hush hush.
Thanks jffreel. Lets hope that's the case with confidentiality of reporting masking the true findings! Still, its the first deep shale producer in Sabine County and thats good news!
Ken, My wag is 4 Mmcfd. We will still be in the dark until Chesapeake shows us what the laterals will do.


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