How are the leases developing in the Converse area? I've kept up with the discussion board and it is very helpful, I appreciate the insight. We have relocated, but landowners in Sabine Parish. Wasn't certain if mid-July has brought any further developments.

Tags: /, Converse, PH, area

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Replies to This Discussion

I assume you have seen within this group that Shell has offered 10,000 per acre to those in n. sabine?
Yes, I have seen the 10K posted. Trying to determine what is valid and hearsay is difficult with so much information around. I appreciate the response and will keep watching the boards. Any more informational meetings scheduled in N. Sabine area (one last night I understand)?
By and large you can keep up with everything pretty well on this website. if one of us makes a mistake someone will correct him so I think the info is fairly accurate. The meeting's I have been to are pretty much the same,seem's everyone is wanting a piece of the pie! Haynesville has done an excellent job with this website.
Hey Kane, understand your concern and I suggest putting it on them, the O&G company to disprove it...after all they don't have to disclose squat to you in negotiations, but if they can't substantiate their offer then I'm going to be suspicious.

I will say that i have heard things said on this site that were proven true within the same day.
I was firmly offered 12500 first part of the week and still stands from Shell.
What area are you close to ?
Vonda - did you go independent, or use an attorney, or group? Converse area? My feelings are that at 3 - 5% I may consider an attorney or group (if this % is correct) with a few thousand jump per acreage. Already turned down a 4K offer. The difference of paying someone 5% from a 4K to 12.5K offer would be an easy decision on a decent amount of acreage. As opposed to doing it independently. Thanks for the info, very helpful. Congrats on the offer.
This reply if for Ken Hatcher and Kane Bennett. Ken i live in T 9 R13. Smack dab in the town of Converse. As for you Kane, I am talking, (remind you, just talking) to a lawyer friend of mine from Many, and he said the property is going for 12,500 in Converse. And his fee is 3% of the bonus I promise you. I also have property in Noble area and lawyer said Shell my not be ready for that property quiet yet. So i am not signing until I get firm offer on the Noble property. I have 102 acres in Converse that was leased out in 1963 that I am trying to get the deep rights for, b/c i have 2 wells that are hardly producing all these years that are shallow. Wish me luck, but doubtful.
Cheaspeake is at $13000.00 in mitchell/sistrunk loop area. SHELL IS GOING TO HAVE TO STEP IT UP !
Thanks for keeping us posted Ken, Cooter (and Vonda) and in the know. We are T9ers also w/ Vonda. At least I'll have information if the phone rings...KB
Kane, things seem to change almost daily. It's indivdual land owners ( or groups ) with large acreage that get the offers. I personally think they are so strung out they pay more to lock down larger acreage. I am posting this because you had touched on this above......good luck !
anything on section 27 in sabine- converse area?



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