EnCana has permitted the first Haynesville Shale well in T8N-R10W and the third well in the Zwolle Field.  This is a significant step-out and will provide new information regarding the quality of the Haynesville/Bossier Shale play in this area.  This is another well with a planned true vertical depth (TVD) over 14000 ft.


EnCana, Olympia Minerals 7 #H1 Well, Serial #241160, S7-T8N-R10W

Views: 68

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What section number in T8N R10W?
Buddy Veuleman
Section 7
Some of us remain unleased in section 8 (our property is 8-8-10). What's your advice?
Patience. The spread of the play is inhibited by low gas prices and operators with existing leasehold that must be drilled. There is only one HA drilling unit in township 8N - 10W currently. The first sign of development interest will be unit applications. Then the first well permits. I'd expect to see both of those events later this year probably in the third or fourth quarter.
My information is that drilling is occuring in 8-10-10 where relative owns property. May want to negotiate a lease, but do not live in the area and not familiar with leasing market rates. Any help about going royalty rates and bonus money would be appreciated. Thanks all.
JP, you should be able to get a 25% royalty rate. I will let others comment on bonus levels.
Thanks Les.


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