I was told yesterday that Encana will be moving two rigs to the Pleasant Hill Belmont area to drill test wells. Source said Encana wants to validate information that Shell supplied. The source would not elaborate any further. The source is in the industry and is considered to be reliable.

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Has anybody heard anything about these rigs? Have they started to move them in or done anything yet?
SONRIS indicates that the Sistrunk well (239983) in Section 3 in 9/12 spud on July 20.
Thanks, I am really interested in 239985 in sec4-T9n-R11w. That one is in my unit.
Oh yea could you tell me what spud means?
The initial entry of the drill bit into the earth.
Gambler, you can always check here for information also:

Thanks,I was trying to find out if they had moved a rig onto s4-t9n-r11w,but havent seen any new info on it yet.

I'm expecting good results from these wells in Northern Sabine around the Pleasant Hill area. For years people have made alot of money from shallow wells in this area. Most notably the Browns and Johnsons. TMR exploration drilled a couple of them and I think Exxon drilled a couple of the Johnson wells. TMR had more planned until the old men in Washington sunk the economy.
I hope they are good wells. I just dont understand how much money someone would get out of a well. I have played with that royalty calculator but the numbers it comes up with seem way to high for just one well.
Gambler. Most royalty calculators do not give an accurate estimate of HS production because of the decline rate. I haven't looked in a while but with so much shale gas exploration, there should be an on-line calculator that allows the input of an additional variable for decline. I believe the calculators that I have used over state royalty income because they have much slower decline rates built into their formula.


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