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what does changing out the stack mean? b/c this is not the first time drilling into the shale, wouldn't they have standard tools and equipment in place for drilling in the H.S.? was this not the case or was pressure greater than other places they had drilled? is having to change out the stack an indication of greater than normal pressure thus more gas in place? thanks.
i am no a profes. but i think the southern area in sabine ahs more pressure than expected and is somewhat hotter.
They have staked out two locations on Benton Johnson's farm. They're in two different sections.
My neighbor got a call from Encana the other day. The guy said he was verifying the landowners address as they were planning to drill a well off Bruce Road. This road was called the Blue Ridge Road for years and is about 2 1/2 miles east of P Hill. My interest is for Sec 27, 10N, 11W. I haven't seen a permit application yet.
Dick ,Mark and I have land in Sec 33. Seems they are going to drill around us . If you here anything going on the area let me know. I was over there friday and talked with clarence. It seems that things are speeding up around there.
I've heard they are staking out sites in two different places on the Pattison sister's land. One site will be on the corner of Progress Church rd and Gewin rd. - so I've heard. A Haliburton hand says Encana is moving 9 rigs into this area. Go Haynesville Shale Go!!
good to here from you witch. Ha Is that on the main rd above the house ? Do you know if the well site on Blue Ridge Road is close to Marks land ?

We are going to the Big Wedding Friday and play with the new grandbaby.
I am not sure just where on The Bruce Road the location is planned. My thinking was that since they called Vicky Sistrunk and wanted to confirm her address, they had plans to drill in that section. This would be Sec 27 T10 N, R 11W. Who knows, I seldom give it much thought.
Can anybody tell me what this means? SET 10 3/4 TO 3507' W/ 1529 SX--NO RETURNS; RAN TEMP LOG--TOP OF CMT @ 260'; TOP OUT 260'-SURFACE; DRILLING

This is what Sonris has listed on he well that is in my unit Well # 239985

Someone misfigured the amount of cement needed to cement surface pipe and they had to go back and pump in enough cement to reach the surface. They had to run a log to find out just where the cement came to so they could know how much to pump in.

Ray Dyess
Went by the well site in my unit today, Sec4,T9N-R11w to see how it was going and the rig is gone. There is a big valve contraption there sticking out of the ground. Has anyone heard anything about this well? I checked the Sonris site and it says they are still drilling.i guess they havent updated in awhile.The well serial number is 239985. Just trying to find any info about if it is a good well or not. Any info is appreciated. Thanks
I looked on Sonris and it looks like they ran and cemented 5" casing at 17,223 so they are finished drilling and are waiting on a frac job, I'd guess.



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