Does anyone know what state or local department in Louisiana regulates seismic activity and issues permits for seismic activity? I know several people with issues, but have not found who regulates. I know wildlife & fisheries does this for state owned property, but what about privately owned property?

Tags: Activity, Concerns, Parish, Sabine, Seismic, in

Views: 236

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James Yep, you should have already gotten at least $25 an acre $15 lease and $10 damages. They are all over North Sabine right now. Try 318 352 3532 Good Luck!
Thanks for the info. I contacted them and found out the reason I had not been permitted is because their map was wrong and it showed me with less than 5 acres (they don't permit less than 5). I told them I actually had 12 acres. They were very nice and came to my house to sign the permit and said the two checks would be mailed soon.
Was contacted by Veritas on my land along Toledo Bend in extreme Northwest Sabine just south of Jolly Roger Marina. Yeah, 15 bucks per acre is the payout. I recently acquired 4 more acres on the lake to give me a round 40 acres and they did not know that so asked me to send the deed of sale to prove it. I don't have mineral rights but have sold water access and now a little something for the seismic. I am just north of Bear Creek and right on the lake. There are several wells very close. I am being nice to them. Maybe they will put a pad somewhere on my 40 but I don't want to spoil the recreational potential of the land. I look across to Huxley Bay and down the big lake. Just Beautiful! No house just the land and 3 junky trailers.
There are many different layers os workers in seismic that all begins with a permit agent and ends with the recording crew. If there was a tresspass it was done unintentionally. From time to time as an instrument operator on the recording crew I had to get permits after the fact. The company is not going to intentionally take advantage of people because their reputaion and their ability to continue to operate is at stake. I worked 2d seismic and while land ownership got confusing it was not near as confusing as permitting a 3d job and a government bureaucrat overseeing the operation is not going to take out any of the confusion. The landowner needs to notify their office here in Natchitoches. It is possible that someone else has signed a permit and recieved payment for the lease and that will need to be worked out.
Recieved a check from Veritas on 40 acres in Section 29 for $1O11for seismic survey. That was better than I expected.

Hey, Kurt. They threw in an extra $10 per acre for prepaid damages.

Hi, Donna.  I sorta figured it was something like that.  Thanks for the reply.  I have a well just to the north of my land and a few to the southeast.  I'm right along the lake just south of Jolly Roger marina and in the extreme northwest corner of Sabine Parish.  Kinda think I might get a well someday.  Who knows?



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