There are two well sites staked out along side of the Jim Procell Road in the Big Woods. One is in T8N R12W Sec 4. The other is in T9N R12W Sec 33. I assume these are Encana as I am located in T8N R12W Sec 5 and was leased by Encana. Also right of ways staked along the road and right down the middle of the road for at least a mile. I assume pipeline. Does anyone have any info about permits for these or if they are just proposed well sites? 

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That is good news, but what do you mean by "The second one would be in our unit"? I thought you had to be in the same STR to be in the same unit. We are also in 5-8-12.
Robert, may I ask where you found this map that you posted? I haven't spent enough time on Sonris to know where to find such things. Thanks.

The map is on the sonris page, look on the left side of the page under GIS access, click on the Interactive map. You may have to download a plug in (it will let you know if you do). When the map is loaded, look at the layers tab. There are many layer options you can add to the map. Just click on the plus signs to view the options under each title and click on the layers you want added. The T after some of the options is for text. Happy mapping!
Thanks, Dixie. I found the maps and came up with lots of layers. Now I am wondering if Robert put the X's on the map based on the info he found in the Big Woods, or if he found a map with that already on it. I didn't find one like that.

I appreciate the help and info.
Sorry for not replying. I am offshore working. I put the x's on the map to basically show where the well sites are at. Thanks.
Robert, what is happening in regards to these well sites? Have they done any work over there?
They are currently drilling on the site in section 4. It is an Ensign Drilling Company Rig. The other site doesn't have a rig on it yet. There is also a Trinidad rig drilling a little north of there on a company rd. between the Old P. Hill rd. and the Jim Procell rd. Not sure about the section. There are multiple locations being built in this area along the Old P Hill Rd and the Jim Procell rd. So I expect more rigs in our area soon. One thing I know is they have almost destroyed the blacktop on the Carson Rd. and The Old P. Hill Rd. I guess the police jury is routing all the traffic thru the Carson Rd. Contractors have been out here digging sections of the rd out 4ft deep and replacing with rock. These rds never designed for this kind of traffic. At this rate or blacktop rd will be totally back to gravel by yearend.
RWC, you can always check the following Group for current information:
Thanks for the update.

In the info that Les B referenced, I see a well for Ensign in Section 1 of 8-12. Could the one you are talking about be section 1 instead of 4?

I know those roads were not the best to begin with. Can't imagine that kind of traffic over them.
The number of staked, but yet-to-be-permitted drilling locations continues to grow around Belmont. There are presently 3. One is on the old Billy Maxey place, next to hwy. 175. A second one is on Royce Salley, off the Ray Canton Road. And last week they staked one on Carlton Salley, off the Carter Road. A SWEPI representative stated they are trying to get the locations staked so the crews building the locations can work more efficiently, plus get far enough ahead the crews can get some time off. Another source said we could expect to see a lot more "stakes" in the coming months.
"More stakes in the coming months" is good to hear. On a personal note, our lease has another year to go. We don't have an extension it. Of course, the siesmograph work has not been done on our property yet.

I haven't heard anything about anyone locally getting renewals on their leases. I did talk to someone from Sabine Parish, but not in the Big Woods, who had been leased in the $100 range. It expired and they have had no one interested in releasing.



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