We received two notices of plans to unitize sections in T9N- R12W. One in November of 2007 for 16 units (9 were in T9N-R12W) and one in August 2008 for 25 units (6 were in T9N-R12W) for the purpose of drilling, production and exploration. The proposed units included sections 13,14,15, 16, 31, 32 (Aug 08) 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36 (Nov 07). See attached diagram. Does anyone have information on other sections in T9N-R12W that have been unitized (or proposed to be unitized)? If so, please share so we can see how much of the township has been unitized? To my knowledge that is 15 out of 36.

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The fracing process takes about 5 to 7 days depending on the number of stages. After all the stages are fraced and all the plugs are drilled out, the well will continue to Flow Back frac fluids and is said to be Cleaning Up. The operator will then schedule a well test with the state. A state representative is required to be on site to monitor the test which is used to set the wells "allowable" production. After the operator receives the allowable, they are free to begin selling the gas, "Turn To Sales", if there is a "Connection To Market" (a pipeline to carry the gas into the transportation system). Somewhere around this time the operator starts their legal team on the process of reviewing title and calculating royalty interests in preparation for beginning royalty payments to mineral owners in the drilling unit.
Skip, in multi-stage frac jobs I believe all stages are frac'ed before any flow back to surface. That is what makes it "multi-stage".
Les, just curious...well fracd,now flaring, when would the ip be checked. Thanks in advance.
Ken, the "official" IP seems to be scheduled within one to five weeks after the initial flowback. The State has the option to witness the test but it is not required.
Hearing #10-299, S30-T9N-R12W, Bayou San Miguel Field. Unitization hearing is set for March 23 with Petrohawk as the operator.
Two pad sites have been surveyed & marked off. One is in section 15 (on the Walsh Rd) and the other is in section 22 (don't know the road name, it's in the big woods off of the Old P Hill Rd). The one in section 15 has a Comstock sign near the road entrance.
Thanks, Dixie, for keeping us informed about what is happening in the Big Woods.
My family has 90 acres in Sec2 of T9 R12. We have been contacted by Audbon Oil of Lafayette but no lease. One post earlier said that Sec. 2 has been unitized. Anyone have property or info. My family's land is under Maude Fontenot at the courthouse.
Steve, according to SONRIS S2-T9N-R12W has not been unitized. Sections 3, 10 & 11-T9N-R12W are unitized and have permitted wells. Looking north, Sec. 34 & 35-T10N-R12W are unitized and have wells permitted.
See Les B post dated Feb. 2, 2010 above of all the unitized sections in T9N-R12W......section 2 is not listed as being unitized yet.

LesB posted on Feb 3 that Section 2 was up for a unitization hearing.

S2-T9N-R12W, HA RA SUPP Unit, Shell, Pleasant Hill Field, Sabine Parish
Hey all, thanks for the replies. The link above: Unitized Sections in 9N-12W rev 03-01-26-10.doc
shows sec. 2 "in the blue" so I guess this is a recent development. This property is a 90 acre parcel passed down by my grandmother and her six sisters so...it's not a life changing deal for me but...well...you know. I think that the landmen are probably having problems locating the heirs....but if we are left unleased a working interest in any well drilled wouldn't be a bad deal I guess. Any thoughts?



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