I was wondering if anyone has been contacted concerning this well. I'm trying to figure out what I can expect next and in what kind of timeframe.

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Hey!  Glad to hear someone got a response from them.  I’ve sent them quite a few emails and called more numbers than I care to remember and haven’t heard a peep from them.   I guess they’re trying to get the most out of the money before they absolutely have to cut loose with it.

Gas production in February 2023 for the KEYDETS-A 47 well was 577,248 MCF, which is 4.7% less than the previous value of 605,904 MCF.

The check ought to be pretty good when they finally send it out.

Gas production in March 2023 for the KEYDETS-A 47 well was 533,847 MCF, which is 7.5% less than the previous value of 577,248 MCF. 

Just received an email with the division order for KEYDETS A 47 #4H this morning.  I noticed that my percentage is knocked down and I know it’s because it had perforated lateral into that other lease, but I want to try to figure out if it is comparable to the percentage of perforated pipe on the well.  I guess I need to also find out how much acreage is being included in the unit.  Any suggestions will be considered helpful, until they’re not!  Thanks

Great news that you received a division order, Mister Sunday. Thanks for letting us know. I haven't received anything yet. Surprised that it came by email for you. Was expecting delivery by snail mail. What was the allocation of gas between the BSI KEYDETS DU and BSI UNIT A47 drilling units? In a post dated December 11, 2022 (Page 32), I calculated that 92.25% of the gas from the KEYDETS-A 47 4H well would go to BSI KEYDETS DU interest owners based on the information below found on the Well Location Plat for the 4H well dated 5/24/2022.  Just wondering how the actual value compares to my calculated value.  Thanks, Wyo Guy

I got just over 98%

Thanks Mister Sunday.  Glad to see it better than the calculated value. 

Hold on a minute Wyo Guy, I did so much math the other day,  I think that may be incorrect. 

Just found my notes. I got my percentage at a little north of 92.5%!  So it looks like you were pretty much on it. I like to see it a little conservative like that, then the numbers look better when it comes.

Thanks for the updated value, Mister Sunday.  I was thinking that the calculated value would be pretty close to the actual value, but would have welcomed the higher value you initially reported. 

I agree, but I’m just glad to start getting some mailbox money soon.

I might have only gotten the division order by email because I’ve been contacting them from the energy link site


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