Submitted 06/17/2009 682268 DEVON ENERGY PRODUCTION CO, L.P. (216378) KARDELL, S. GU 1 H 06 SAN AUGUSTINE Horizontal, Vertical New Drill - 18500 Mapping

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Bill R, The directional well in that plat is planned to be deviated from vertical as opposed to a horizontal which is generally drilled vertically to a point and then makes a curve before drilling the horizontal (lateral) part of the well.

There could be a lake or developed area they want to drill under and the only place for a drill site is a distance away from that spot so they drill at a slant to put the bottom hole where they want it.
Thanks for the clarification.
Devon Energy Corporation would like to remind you of our Conference
Presentations which will take place on 18-Nov-2009 10:40 AM ET.
For more information please visit our web site at

Should be interesting. Allocate capital where it earns the most. Haynesville seems to be the place. Gulf of Mexico not. Fun times these days.

Devon's repositioning strategy. Take a look at page 23!!!!!

They will drill 50 wells next year in the Southern Leg of the Haynesville - 50!!

Then another 50 in 2011. Wow. They liked the Kardell.

Plus they will drill additional wells in the Northern leg of the haynesville, an area they call Carthage.

Company changer.
They also said that they have over 1,000 drill locations in the Carthage region of Shelby/Panola Counties targeted for future drilling. Much of that acreage, however, is already HPB from earlier Cotton Valley/etc wells so their is no immediate need for them to move into drilling those assets.
*Maybe its the mother load after all and that's why Devon is selling all off shore assets*


They will spend hundreds of millions in the Haynesville from what they said in the oonference call - and sell Gulf of Mexico. Money talks. And that says volumes about the potential. In my opinion anyway.
Here is a link to a Google map showing the locations of the Kardell and the recent Skillern.

I wanted to see if there was any surface obstacles Devon was avoiding. It looks like there is nothing but pasture and pine trees around the proposed Skillern. Any other thought on why they are choosing a directional drill.
what's the difference between directional and horizontal? and no there are no surface obstacles in that area.
If there are no surface obstacles maybe it's more about the geology...? Your guess is as good as mine.
This one was originally permitted to 14,000' as an Angie(James Lime) well with an additional "Oil or Gas" Wildcat formation listed.

Perhaps there is combined intention to drill for the science/geology exploration for that "Wilcat" formation while producing from James Lime to HPB the unit?

Would that make sense to you Jffree1?
I'm a newby to this site, but I want to ask a question. I have about 11 acres about three miles east of San Augusting, in the Roberts Track, close to City Lake. I listed the property about a year ago on Craigs list, and had no takers. However I now have two parties that are interested in buying the property and mineral rights. My question is this: What would be the long term prospects for such a small piece of property? Should I sell, or hold on?
If you need the money, sell the surface and keep the minerals. If you can hold on to it you are in a very hot area being within a mile of the Kardell well. I wouldn't sell the minerals on that 11 acres unless someone was offering A LOT of money. I mean, not just a lot... they'd have to be offering OBSCENE amounts of money to get me to sell those minerals! Are you leased? If so, call your lessee and see what they will give you for it...
If you honestly think you'd rather sell than wait for a well there are investors who would LOVE to have an interest that close to the BIGGEST IP Haynesville well on record. And for good money.



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