My mother has been contacted about leasing her mineral interest that she inherited from her father.  It is 50 acres and the legal description says it is located 1 mile NW of San Augustine, E. Quirk Grant, A-35.  Any feedback as to going rates for bonus and royalty in the area would be greatly appreciated.  Also who are some of the players in the area. 

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SM Energy and Cabot Oil & Gas are right in that area. Devon, XTO/ExxonMobil, EXCO Resources, Crimson Exploration Inc., and Common Resources are all around that area too. I wonder why she hasn't been contacted till now? Is the property in the city limits or something? I can't say for sure now but I have heard $5000/acre & 25% was going around not too long ago. Times have changed a bit for the area though with gas prices being so low and the Haynesville being so costly to drill. The gas there doesn't have a high BTU which if it did could make it still profitable to produce but since it doesn't it might have to climb up above $6 before it really gets going. That doesn't mean there isn't a lot of gas under your mom's place though. Probably a good amount in at least 2 different zones. The James Lime and Haynesville. You might be able to lease both to different companies if you play it right with the people in your pool (other acreages around y'all to make up a larger acreage). Cabot has a James Lime system going there now and all of them like the Haynesville.

Don't take my word as gospel, I don't know that much about production but I'm learning. Look around the site because there are a lot of people on here that do and others that have already been through it. They might not be able to share all the info you want but you'll find your way. Hope that helps some...
Thanks Johnnie for the very helpful response! I to was wondering why she is just now being contacted. I am going to call the landman tonight and try to find out the details. My grandfather reserved the minerals in 1979 and decd. 2000 in Bexar County which is where he lived when he sold the property so locating his probate shouldn't have been an issue.
Please keep me in the loop on this discussion. I have a lease on mineral rights in the A-35 Quirk Grant, pooled in a unit where SM Energy has just drilled Clark #1-H, API #405-30359. I hear that fracking will begin there shortly.

Do you know and read the RRC map system?
my friend has 1 ac in the quirk survey, and was offered 5000/25%...i dont know from whom...this was about a month ago. that seems very fair...nothing lower, though!!!! good luck!!!!
probably paloma
Chris, our lease is also in the Quirk survey but on the east side of it and is soon to expire. I am also looking for feedback as to what companies are interested and the rates in the area.

I am very interested in lease prices. I have a place (300 ac.) in S.A. just South of the good well Encana just made on 1277, up north from their first big well they made & are drilling a #2 on now. I'm not in a huge rush to do anything, but I'm not hearing big lease #s.



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