XTO Cornhuskers DU 1-H / Jonathan Andrews Survey (A-5) / 10.7 Miles SE of Shelbyville / 19,000'

W-1 Info:



Location Platt:




Status #  695079
API # 
OP # 945936   -   XTO ENERGY INC.   
Pending Approval ,Submitted: 04/27/2010 ,Filed: Online 
06 - SHELBY County
New Drill



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General / Location Information

Basic Information:

Filing Purpose Welbore Profiles Lease Name Well # SWR Total Depth
New Drill Horizontal CORNHUSKERS DU 1H 19000


Surface Location Information:

API # Distance from
Nearest Town
Direction from
Nearest Town
Nearest Town Surface Location Type
10.7  miles SE Shelbyville Land


Survey/Legal Location Information:

Section Block Survey Abstract # County


Perpendicular surface location from two nearest designated lines:

Perpendiculars Distance Direction Distance Direction
Survey Perpendiculars 879.0 feet from the north line and 4670.0 feet from the southeast line



District Field Name Field # Completion Depth Lease Name Well # Well Type Acres Distance to nearest well Distance to nearest Lease Line SWR Pooled/Unitized


Primary Field

16032300 10529  CORNHUSKERS DU 1H Gas Well 432.26   330.0 Y

Tags: Bossier, Cornhuskers, Haynesville, XTO

Views: 132

Replies to This Discussion

Can anyone tell me the Month and Year when this lease was purchased by XTO Energy?
Who was the lease with originally?
I was asking when XTO purchased the lease from the landowner?
It was most likely purchased by Hunt. Hunt was bought out by XTO.
So, what you are saying it was probably purchased back in 2007 (3 years ago) and was about to come up for releasing or letting it go.....Right?
The lease is a 3 year plus a 2 year renewal. The leases expire from July 10, 2008 to October 2008. For many of the leases. I am a lease holder who placed Hunt in default for non payment of the 2 year renewal.
What is the closest town to where your property is besides Shelbyville....ie. close to Huxley, Patroon, Goober Hill, Paul's store?
I think the jonathan anderson survey is in Campti community off FM 414. Maybe between Carroll Town and Campti.
Samson has land leased in that survey also and had permited the Bobby GU well back in the fall of 09. A lot of folks thought their leases were expiring in Jan 10 but were not due to a 2 year option. Those properties are located off FM 414.


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