XTO - Huskies DU 1-H / T.B. Choate Survey (A-111) / 5 miles SE of Shelbyville

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Status # 697670
API # 419-31603 OP # 945936 - XTO ENERGY INC.
Pending Approval ,Submitted: 06/15/2010 ,Filed: Online HUSKIES DU - Well # 1H
06 - SHELBY County New Drill


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General / Location Information
Basic Information:

Filing Purpose Welbore Profiles Lease Name Well # SWR Total Depth
New Drill Horizontal HUSKIES DU 1H 19400

Surface Location Information:

API # Distance from
Nearest Town Direction from
Nearest Town Nearest Town Surface Location Type
419-31603 5.0 miles SE Shelbyville Land

Survey/Legal Location Information:

Section Block Survey Abstract # County

Perpendicular surface location from two nearest designated lines:

Perpendiculars Distance Direction Distance Direction
Survey Perpendiculars 593.0 feet from the east line and 3351.0 feet from the south line

District Field Name Field # Completion Depth Lease Name Well # Well Type Acres Distance to nearest well Distance to nearest Lease Line SWR Pooled/Unitized

Primary Field
16032300 10529 HUSKIES DU 1H Gas Well 570.6 330.0 Y
Perpendiculars Distance Direction Distance Direction
Surface Lease Lines 593.0 feet from the east line and 1077.0 feet from the ne line

Section: Block: Survey:William S. Wilson
Abstract #: 764 County: SHELBY
Name Profile Distance Direction Distance Direction
TH1 Terminus Point Lease 330.0 feet from the south line and 890.0 feet from the east line
Survey 890.0 feet from the east line and 1039.0 feet from the north line
Point Lease 330.0 feet from the east line and 330.0 feet from the northeast line
This is the property ive been looking 4 info on i already have alot.i am a unknown heir of The Holts and Gentrys. I alreadt know alot about the leasing and production just wondering if you have any information on the holt and gentry family
Can anyone tell me the names of the 2 wells on this same property. It is Hunt/ Huxley 6100 Field. Is there another way to find out anything on these. I  believe they have been producing since 2005. Also what is a PFD Order

There were 2 wells drilled by Hunt Petroleum: Glen Heintshel 1H and Glen Heintshel 2H.

does anybody have updates on these wells on the William Wilson survey?  any idea when payouts will occur
Is this well tied in with the Holt property. We are heirs of Fannie Holt Gentry and William Shelby Gentry. The heirs of mineral rights on the land where the Huskies DU 1H well is and the Glen Heinschel wells are. We have been contacted by 2 landman and have all had to retain attorneys due to the fact they, XTO , contacted us , got our information, tried to buy the surface and never told us we had the mineral rights. We were told at their Division Order department our monies had been put in a Recevership account 2006, and they were trying to clear title. But the truth after a lot of questions and legwork, there were soooooo many of us, the Rec Attorney resigned from our case. The District Clerks office, gave us the cause #s and said we still would have to prove heirship. The landman who works for XTO sent some of us heirship forms and some did not get any. He was pulled off our case. Have you received any Division Orders yet. We understand there are pooled units, and what we do not understand , is why XTO never found any of us years ago. And after they found us this time why are they putting this money in the Rec Accounts again. Why were we not issued div orders on the new drill and why they have forced all of us to have to hire attorneys to represent us in court to prove who we are and to file a motion to get the District Clerks office to release our funds. The Rec Attorney said he was afraid to issue any funds, because he would be held responsible if he overpaid or underpaid any of us. But we have not received a dime. the landman found all of us , has all our addresses, and everything we were told , XTO did not follow through on. They said after they found everyone we would receive Aff of Heirship forms and he would present these to the rec Attorney and we would be sent paperwork to get our monies. Did not happen. They pulled him off like a hot potato. Hope your situation is different. I have repeatedly sent emails and called XTO. No one has the answers to my questions. We finally tried the landman again. He had no answers, neither did Div Orders in Fort Worth. Frankly, i do not think we are important. True Haynesville Shale has made millionaires of several familiies. We consider ourselves as the Poorionaires. We cant get answers and we cannot get anyone to keep their word with XTO. I was sent a message if I needed legal assisatance, then so be it. We were told to seek legal counsel by the Rec Attorney. We were told to seek legal counsel by the District Clerk. And we have . We have also contacted 60 Minutes about our situation and advised XTO. We were not even important enough to send a letter or to be contacted, except by their landman for their benefit. So we have still not received a dime on the Huskies well. We own the minerals, the gas, but have you seen the web on the money XTO s CEo makes. Try contacting him. How many of our families and other families are paying his salary. This is my families thoughts and our own personal opinions. How many other families are being done this way. It is okay for them to drill, go to court set up an Rec account. But why should we have to hire attorneys to get what was ours anyway. it really does not even out.

It sounds like Hunt Petroleum created the problem and XTO must not have realized what a headache this unit would create for them. I agree that you need an O&G attorney but, before you will get paid by XTO, division order or not, they will have to determine your interest in the well through a title opinion.  Even if you get the title opinion on your own, I don't know if that will speed things up.  The more information you can gather especially about the person you inherited the interest from will help, I would imagine.  What I would be asking is who signed the O&G lease and when, if you didn't.... I have gotten very good help from the Ellora/XTO office in Center but I don't know if they would have access to this well since the Heinschel wells were drilled by Hunt. You might call and ask them about it. Good luck!


Sherry, I found the O&G lease in shelby county records dated jan 5, 2007 by Hunt Petroleum for 1/8 royalty. It listed Fannie Gentry and several unknown heirs, possibly her children or siblings?? There was also an amendment done in 2010 by XTO (document #2010004964) which gave a larger royalty percentage to all wells drilled below the James Lime formation.  The rec attorney filed both documents in the shelby county records.  If you could get a copy of these documents from the county clerk, that would be a good place to start verifying your interest in the well. With that many descendents over the span of nearly 100 years, it's no wonder why they gave up on trying to find everyone. Your best bet is to do the leg work yourself and prove your ownership.

Thanks for the informatiom. I am going to Texas next week. It is such a mess. We are going to file Aff of Heirship and pull papers and lease copies. Thanks again. What is the James Lime formation. I will have to look that up.

James Lime is a shallow gas well probably what the Heinschel wells are.  The Huskie is a Haynesville well. I hope you get some answers soon.

i still don't understand the holdup for the Matlock side of the ownership.  We own 1/2 mineral rights to the land and there is no problems with our ownership.  Why can't they pay us and keep the other 1/2 on ice until it gets straightened out??  Hard to understand.
Carlton, Have you been contacted by XTOs landman? Have they issued you a Proof of Heirship letter or a Warranty Deed? Have you filed a proof of Heirship Form? Did you sign a lease? Okay we were told by the District clerk of Court that we had to file a Aff of Heirship and you can go to the county Clerk office and take all the identification you can, birth, death, cetificates and anything showing you were related to whoever your heir is. But we were also told that we had to have an attorney file a motion in court for our heirship and for releasing our part of the money. The district Court in Center can tell you your families cause number, if your monies were assigned to a Receivership Account and maybe it wasnt. Ours was. On the Huskies well they went right back to the rec Account. Your case may be totally different from ours. Steven Graham works for Ted Walters and Assoc and they work for XTO. Have you tried calling them? Graham is the landman. Lewis is in Division orders in Fort Worth in the Royalty Dept. Grahams phone number is 903 590 0211. Lewis number is 866 886 2613 His analists ID # is 81115 You can also call the Tex Railroad Comm for advise, not money issues 877 228 5740. Sheila Weegan . As for putting the rest of us on ice , they have. We were told things completely different from what has happened. like i said i dont know your actually story with all this, whether you leased yourself or if you are a lost heir like we are. So all of your problems may be differnet. But it is true, they have to clear title. But again two landmen later that were paid big bucks to find all of us and did and still no clear title. Yes we fell like we were all put on ice. They have found all of us and we helped them. And here we are, not a dime and all having to seek legal counsel. Good luck.


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