Use the SONRIS link provided by Keith on the Help Center Main Page. Click on "Wells by Section - Township and Range". Leave the "Enter Section" window blank but input the Township and Range in the appropriate windows and click "Submit Query". You are now looking a list of all the wells ever drilled in this township organized by section. Note the column, "Total Depth". As you scroll down the list you will notice the HA wells for two reasons. 1) they are considerably deeper than the other wells listed, and 2) they are listed last as they are the most recent wells in each section. All the cells containing alpha numeric text in color will provide additional information when clicked on. Click on the Serial Number and spend some time reviewing the information contained in the well files. After you have spent some time exploring the well files, you may have some questions. You now have a forum to ask those questions or share the short cuts and explanations of the data available. By searching the database in this manner you see not only your section of interest but what is happening in the surrounding sections. I'll see if we can get Keith to post a township grid for us. Knowing how sections are numbered in a township grid will help you to search adjoining townships for development activity that has relevance for your mineral holdings. Good Luck.

Views: 3201

Replies to This Discussion

Henry, checked out Geocommunicator great tool for a novice like me.... Thanks!

Skip and other participants, Thanks a bunch. Without your guidance (tables, etc) it would have been near impossible for me to navigate the Sonris sight. Now I have a much clearer idea of what is going on around family mineral lease area. My computer has a Ubuntu OP system that does not always work with the interactive maps so this really helped me out.
You're welcome, Cliff. Everyone with an ownership interest in LA. minerals should learn the basics of SONRIS Lite. The other key for "do-it-yourself" proponents is learning how the navigate the public records in a parish clerk of court office. The basics are fairly straight forward and easily grasped.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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