I can't say enough how pleased I am with the new Sonris GIS mapping. It thoroughly puts its counterparts from Mississippi and Texas to shame. If you haven't seen it and you're a professional you should check it out.

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Andrew-- do you have easy link to the Sonris GIS Mapping ? Thanks


How do you get there from here. I have not been to the SONRIS site in some time except for the Scout Report and I have a direct link to that.

Click on New GIS


Andrew, please consider adding a discussion of the new GIS to the SONRIS Help Center.


Skip, I thought that's where I posted this???

LOL!  You did.  I just missed it.  Now how about some tips on navigating the new GIS.  I've played periodically with the new and improved GIS since the first of the year but don't use it often in my business.


On the left side of the page are several links; choose "GIS 'New'". The program works best in Google Chrome but it will run in explorer or firefox. I have to guess it runs in safari because everything seems to work on safari.

Andrew, thanks so much for brining this to our attention.  You are right, it is awesome!

I have been trying to map some information for years, and this does it.

Question, how do you save a map that you have worked on?

There is a bookmarks tab in the main menu that allows you create bookmarks of the place you're looking and the filters you have turned on at the time. You can save a dozen or so and they'll be there when you go back to the GIS until you clear your browser's cache.


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