I am checking to see if anyone is located in 71105 and if there is a group formed yet? Thanks for any input.

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I too am interested in joining a 71105 group but have not been approached yet and do not know who to contact.
Hi, I'm in SE S'port and we've been talking about the same problem. If you go to our discussion, you may find some information there. Several of us have wondered why the ShreveCentre Coalition hasn't put out any information. jmac replied that letters of intent will be sent out next week. He invited me to email him but I haven't heard back.

My sister lives in 71105 as well as a few friends, but they haven't heard anything either.

The Southwest Shreveport Homeowners Coalition extended an invitation to us. They have a website loaded with info, you might want to check them out.

I hope this helps.
Southwest Shreveport Homeowners Coalition

here is our website.Please check it out and you can still join.Click Join our group and front the form and mail it in.
I checked it out. A lot of useful info there. I see no Broadmoor neighborhood group involved though.
Should we try to start something up for 71105, it is such a large group I would have thought someone would have something going all ready
lifesaver was extending a helping hand. See her post under my discussion. SWSHC extended an invitation to some of us here in SE S'port. Also, jmac invited me to email him, and he provided helpful info about ShreveCentre Coalition (SCC) which includes Broadmoor & Shreve Island neighborhood associations.

At any rate, YES, start talking to and organizing some of your closest neighbors, even if they're a block away. Start collecting info & sharing, then make informed decisions. Good luck to you!
Broadmoor Neighborhood Association
Captain Shreve High School Auditorium
Haynesville Shale
Public Town Hall Panel Discussion
Tuesday, July 22, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Ken Krefft, Pres.
Info: Ken.Krefft@bellsouth.net
Don't wait for SOMEONE to form an alliance. Take the initiative. Knock on your neighbor's doors and tell them that you are going to have an informal meeting at your home. Move out the furniture and bring in lawn chairs. Have a form for everyone to sign giving pertinent information such as name, address, telephone number, cell phone number, email address and size of lot.
Two other women and I took the time to get it together. Sure, it is work, but what isn't? Just don't sit and wait for others to START. I will be more than happy to help you get started. I feel compelled to pay it forward. You snooze, you loose!
Sometimes I forget where I saw stuff ... I was just looking at kassi's info over at shreveport shale and remembered that's where I saw the contact information for neighborhood groups. Whip me with a wet noodle!
I saw contact names & numbers there for Broadmoor & Shreve Island neighborhood associations. I believe they've joined with SCC.
oh great thanks I will look for it. there is so much info I forget where I see it too.


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