Anyone living in this Subd feel free to post with any questions or information you might have. Hopefully we can help each other.

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I think some of our homeowners might have a lease that was implemented in the early 80's that is held in production. Anyone receiving royalty checks is still under lease. From the map I looked at I think it is a strip of Woodmere on both sides that was not leased back then. The rest of the neighborhood looks like it is caught in this lease. I think everyone should make sure they have the mineral rights for their property, then make sure there are no existing leases on their lots.
My understanding is that the individuals that have existing leases on their land will be paid royalties on production that is done on the Haynesville Shale, but will not be eligible for the lease signing bonus. Also, it might be possible that if you purchased your house with your mineral rights you could have a right to back royalties owed to you? Any one know anything about this?
Kevin James here from Parkside. I do not know that much about all this either but would be glad to help as much as I can. As I am sure others do as well, I have many I work with that have signed or are getting close to signing as a subdivision or group. That seems to be the way to go. I have heard a small group not too far from us was offered 16K and 28/100ths for royalties. The going rate for royalties seems to be around .25 and know many that have signed for around $9k per acre. I know one group around stockwell in bossier that is about to sign for $15k per, if we get together, in a coilition, or maybe just a few other properties around our subdivision....we should be able to get at least $15K and .25 for gas and retain the rights for oil. The stock well group made a spreadsheet with everyones name on it and everyone signed a simple letter. Like a good faith letter among themselves that they would try to stick together and all agree on the the amount, terms, and contract that the oil company came up with. They had a lawyer that live there that is dealing with the oil compay for them. Each land owner gets a copy and chance to review the contract and fine print. I can find out more if needed. I think we should make a spreadsheet of everyones name, address, ect soon. A meeting soon would help as well. Let me know what I can do to help. My email is
Jennifer - You go! You guys are so enthusiastic, things my way are still lukewarm. But I'm having to work on the existing board here.
For a good explanation, look at the topic about force pooling on this website under the discussions tab. It helped clear my head trying to understand it.
See if you can find a neighbor who will learn to use the SONRIS LITE on the dnr website. Just google SONRIS. You can use it to get maps & some well information for your section. There is a legal disclaimer for using these, but it can help guide you as you work to find out where the wells are, if there are active/producing wells, stuff like that.
Keep up the good work!
You may already have seen this website, but in case you haven't
You can go to SONRIS or conservation and research wells, well production, etc. We need to see if we can find the well from the 80's on here. I couldn't find it.

Jennifer, I think that a meeting for Southwood Terrace is a great idea. You are doing a great job, I think we need to stick together on this. Please let me know if I can do anything to help you with this. I am a little overwhelmed with all the information on this. My email is Thanks KH
Jennifer -
We live on Parkside Drive and have not heard anything about any meetings yet. Is there going to be one or what is going on?
Barbara Kase is having a pot luck at her house this Saturday. You should be receiving an invitation from her. I don't have the address and time with me at work. I'll try to remember to post it this evening when I get home.
Jennifer - Please contact kikirn613, she may be under the impression no one is working on Southwood Terrace. Also, please pass the word for folks to be patient and not to sign with Twin Cities, the SCC will be putting out more information soon according to Jmac's post yesterday. Thanks so much.
Renee - My understanding with the SCC is that we can't join without a HOA.
Maybe I read it wrong, I thought you said you were going to form an HOA. How many homes is Southwood Terrace?
I am not planning on forming a HOA. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to dedicate to such a large project. I would guess around 250 homes.
Jennifer - I just spotted this post of yours. I think Renee would agree with this. I remember a discussion at the SCC meeting about Class A and B members, that Class A would be homeowners who belong to a formal/organized HOA with a recognized board. The Class B members were going to be anyone else not in a formal HOA, but who are within the area defined by the SCC. My notes show that this discussion was tabled until the next meeting in August. There still might be a chance, with that many homeowners & acreage, that you guys can be under the SCC umbrella.



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