It seems that all of the conversation about lower brown dense takes place on one thread.  It also seems

that all of the interest and activity is in Union Parish.  I am curious if any mineral owner in lower southeastern Union County has had their lease options renewed or released.  Do the experts

or the ones who have watched this brown dense play feel that Union County will never be tested and

that SWN will simply walk away from several thousand acres of leases.  I have been "out of touch" lately

and would greatly appreciate any input....Thanks...Jim Burgess

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Jim, my lease does not come up for renewal until next year and I don't know anyone that has reached the renewal point. I am actually leased to Cabot and they drilled the 1 well in Union and it only IP at 200 bbls. They had about 15K acres in Union Parish and Union Co. ANKOR took their leases in Union Parish but not Union Co..I think you will see SWN drill a well in Union Co. this year. They have the Dick James unit already established but they may want to try another spot.

I meant to say 2014.


My leases in Union County come up for renewal in May and Dec. 2014.

I have just recently been 0ffered $300,1/5, 3 yr,.with 4yr. option for same amount for

a 280 acre tract and a 50 ac. tract in Union Parish.  One tract near Oakland and the other

near Sadie, La.  Also had an offer for 3D seisic on a 30ac. tract near Marion, $5 per acre.

What do you think??? Anybody can respond.....Jim Burgess.


I don't know where Oakland and Sadie are, do you have the sec. township and range? I am not surprised at that offer in Union Parish. I think that is the "Hot spot" right now. I hope you get renewed in Union Co. I, like you, can't believe they would let all those options expire in Union Co. without drilling a single well. As far as the 3D, I think the people in the 3D Millerton project in Claiborne received $15 per acre. Good luck and Merry Christmas!!

Jim, the lack of brown dense drilling in Union County since the Cobot well is not good. The next six months will tell us more as some of the early leases will start expiring shortly. My lease will expire mid 2014. My lease is located on 82 in the very west end of Union County. Everyone would probably appreciate a post from anyone that has a lease in Union County expire or renew along with the location.


My acreage is in the vicinity of Strong Ark, in Union County.  I know Dick James and do know that a drill site was established on some of his acreage about 2 years ago. I believe it was in the Junction City area...not sure.....Jim B.

I heard of someone a few miles west of El Dorado that had their lease expire and not get renewed. The person had managed to get a shorter lease than the standard 4/4 that SWN offered. His lease was near the northern edge of SWN's lease area in Union County.



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