  • Female
  • West Monroe, La.
  • United States
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Louzanne's Friends

  • Rosebud
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
  • Cottontop
  • Kathy Morgan
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

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At 15:17 on December 1, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Nice crown! Thanks!
At 11:02 on November 17, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Uh, Thank Ya. Thank Ya Very Much, Louzanne. The crown fits just fine. And looks good to. LOL! Wishing you a Happy Holiday in your new home. Love, Skip
At 5:37 on October 14, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
No problem...thanks for remembering! It looks like Celeste may be looking at a move..so we'll see.
At 11:02 on October 4, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
I like Gumbo.
At 12:09 on September 7, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Sorry to hear of your crud. Hope you are feeling better.
At 11:39 on August 25, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
The pics of the new house and surroundings look great. I know you will be happy there. Luv, Skip
At 16:20 on July 28, 2009, Rosebud said…
I think our home was designed by someone who never lived in a house! LOL! It has so many design flaws, ie., the kitchen pantry is app. 16" wide and probably 3 1/2 ' deep and there are shelves almost to the ceiling and all the way to the floor. My arms aren't long enough to really reach the back of the shelves and I have to actually lie down on the floor to access anything on the bottom shelves.

There is no space in either bathroom for dirty clothes hampers or anything to collect dirty clothes.

Some spaces are too big, others are too small - but we love it and have lived here over 35 years. There is practically no exterior maintenance and the tiny backyard I've fussed about for years is now just about all the space I need to piddle around with my gardening projects. We're fixing to have three trees pruned that I suspect will cost $1,500-$2,000.

Most of our friends seem to be downsizing and moving to smaller homes but I feel like we're O.K. - I hope so anyway!
At 3:08 on July 27, 2009, Rosebud said…
Thanks for the compliments! Denise is such a total joy to us. She is a busy, happy soul - every day is a new adventure!

Sitting here typing, with your album slideshow visible, I'm once again impressed with how beautiful the roses are. Your new house is equally as beautiful - the beauty of nature is obviously important to you.

What's the story with the stained glass?
At 13:02 on July 26, 2009, Rosebud said…
Our daughter, the pretty gypsy in my album with the faux-dragonfly tattoo, was married at The American Rose Center. I can't remember the year but a tornado struck this general area not long after we arrived for a Friday night rehearsal and everyone had to crowd into the little chapel - with no electricity.

I went to bed that night sure the next morning would be a royal disaster but the sky was beautiful, the sun was streaming through the damp air and everyone said it all seemed mystical. We were able to do everything as planned with the wedding and reception.
At 8:10 on April 10, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
You're on. Glass of wine and dinner. Just let me know when.

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The Lithium Connection to Shale Drilling

Shale drilling and lithium extraction are seemingly distinct activities, but there is a growing connection between the two as the world moves towards cleaner energy solutions. While shale drilling primarily targets…


Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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