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At 2:41 on July 30, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Good morning, hope the site has been helpful to you. Be sure to share with us any insights or goings on you might know about.

At 9:44 on August 1, 2008, Rick said…
Hey man, it's good to see ya'll on here. I found this site a little while back and have learned alot from it, I see a good bit of activity from North Sabine. Does your lease have a 2 year extention option or is it about to run out? I know that the big companies are trying to get on location and drill before the existing 3 yr leases like your's run out. That is what happened over here behind me, Mr. Nelson had a lease on several hundred acres and Chesapeake got it from the company that leased from him. They are about 5 weeks into an 18,000 ft hole with over 6000' at the bottom being horizontal. I know you did that work for awhile so I guess you might know how long that takes; but the folks in the neighboring sections are watching close for good results so their lease values will go up. I am still unleased on my mammoth 1.16 acre South Fork Ranch, (I think the landmen are still trying to map out the borders of my massive spread) but if that well is good I'll eventually get something. I got a note back from Duchesne, I think I'm gonna write him back and tell him to change his name to "Cookie Rojaws" or something good like that. I hope everything works out good for both of ya'll, it's just a matter of time before they hit a good deep well in that area.
At 6:44 on August 1, 2008, Duchesne said…
You need a cool screen name like "Silento Rodrigues"--still hanging, There is progress on the legal front, should have verification of mineral rights in writing by next week--then I'll get more serious. Encana Rep calls about once a week, I'll call him back next week and see what's up.
At 3:16 on August 1, 2008, Rick said…
Hey ol' KT, I see the Terrell boys are on HS and getting interested, this thing's getting ready to blow wide open looks like. Ol' Gene would be proud of them fields and hills down Progress way. I wish ya'll the best, it's high time some good folks got rich! My little 1 acre in Stonewall may not do much, but I see a Chesapeake rig turning to the right about 1000 yards out my back door. Hold out for the best deal....later, Soupbone
At 3:25 on July 17, 2008, jr said…
Hello K Terrell

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The Lithium Connection to Shale Drilling

Shale drilling and lithium extraction are seemingly distinct activities, but there is a growing connection between the two as the world moves towards cleaner energy solutions. While shale drilling primarily targets…


Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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