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Comment by Dorcheated A1 on September 13, 2008 at 2:03
Good morning Mr. Snake
My friend if that is island bottle water use to extinguish flames. My stomach has been on fire since high school. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to put out the flames although I shall keep trying.

I don't know if I could out dance those girls. I'd give a shot but it look's like they are party professionals. I might bend over and never get back up. I can see an ambulance carring me out of the bar and somebody in the crowd say ing. Hey did I miss a fight. Nope just another one of those middla age guy's trying to be young again. GEAUX TIGERS!!!.
Comment by Snake Stewart on September 13, 2008 at 1:47
Hey Dorcheated, If the lady on the left can wear pink hair that seems to be on fire , who cares how old she is ? That could also be island bottle water she is holding and going to use to extinguish the flames with.

That isn't your dancin' self on the right over there trying to get that longneck from that little girl is it ? HA!HA! Just kiddin' buddy. You are probably dancin' on the table taking the picture! Have a good one. GEAUX TIGERS !!!
Comment by Dorcheated A1 on September 13, 2008 at 0:30
Ladies, can I please check your I D'S.


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