Cook Taylor Land 8H-1 Grogan Field DeSoto parish 10N-11W-8
Taken 10-15-2010
Starting the frac

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Comment by CypressKnees on November 4, 2010 at 1:57
Just viewed new photos! Thank you for sharing those!
Comment by CypressKnees on November 4, 2010 at 1:51
pelkid, this is just amazing! Thank you! Imagine- at tent for real-time cooking! I figured that they got take-away! I understand they frac three ?stages a day?

Do you know HOW they attach a well to a pipeline? This is something I can't imagine. I asked a man once and he told me to "go get a hard hat". Is that a euphemism for something?

Thanks! Will you share the other photos?
Comment by Pelican on November 4, 2010 at 1:18
I bummed a ride on a helicoptor the day before the frac. Took several really good pictures that i'll upload later. This well in my section is operated by EnCana. The guy with the helicoptor ownes a frac tank company that parked the tanks (over 100) on our place.
Not sure about all of the peices, but the 14 trucks lined up are pump trucks. There are 6 frac tanks on the right and other support trucks(sand, chemical). There is a bunch of small equipment and large equipment. They (Schlumberger) even have a tent set up for cooking!!
There is only one road they use. A narrow one at that. Terrain is so bad(hilly) that they have posted speed limts at 10mph. The only way to get water back there is to pipe it. The pad wasn't big enough to hold all the frac tanks.
CenterPoint Energy Field Services will lay the line approx 10000 feet to the nearest interconnect. In the photo near the tank battery(top) you can barely see the meter station. The line will go southwest and cross just north of the intersection of Hwy 177 & 175.
Comment by CypressKnees on November 3, 2010 at 3:43
Linda Whatley: Retired Banker is so right, that is an "Awsome shot"!

Pelkid, do you know what each piece of the puzzle does? I understand the lightest piece of equipment is 97 pounds. Is that true? So, not too many female frac-ers?

Where is the pipeline?

How many roads do they need to the well pad?

Comment by Linda Whatley on November 2, 2010 at 8:45
Awsome shot.........


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