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  • Tenaha, Texas
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At 7:12 on March 16, 2009, Laurie said…
Hi Miracle...Just wanted to know if you were in the know of the pipeline issues around us? I have property there where I explained but I live in South Louisiana and don't get to see what is going on...do you know if there is any activity right now? Thanks, Laurie
At 13:28 on November 25, 2008, intrepid said…
Do you know the mineral owner on your property?
At 11:42 on November 14, 2008, intrepid said…
Have you looked into Texas Land and Mineral Owners Assoc.?
At 9:46 on November 14, 2008, intrepid said…
You might want to try asking your question about the site payment over at http://gohaynesvilleshalefacts.ning.com/ to a guy named Jim McConnell. He also answers questions at allexperts.com. He was an active contributor on here for a while. Th allexperts.com site has some good info on it also. Good luck and I hope someone will post some info on the Shelby county group that will help. That is a very good issue to discuss.
At 15:39 on September 10, 2008, Miracle said…
Hi Mint Julep -- Spoke to Clay today -- pretty much what I expected -- Minerals trump surface owner every time.
Did say I could get a copy of the Mineral lease and make sure that they are abiding by it. Chances are --the mineral owners just signed a standard oil co. lease which is favorable to the oil co. -- so there won't be much in the way of restrictions in what they do.

Pretty much what it amounts to is to be nice to the oil company and hope that they do the same with me.

Had my water well tested already and will get a timber man to add up the timber losses in case they low-ball me. About all I can do.

Clay was really nice to talk to -- said to just give him a call if I had any more questions. Thanks for putting me on to him.
At 6:26 on September 10, 2008, Miracle said…
Yep -- from Tenaha. Thanks so much for your help. Didn't get any other responses, guess most people on the board have the minerals and are looking forward to the big bucks.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
At 6:22 on September 10, 2008, Mint Julep said…
His office number is (936) 637-1733. I will email him and let him know that you might be calling. You are from Tenaha, correct?
At 5:22 on September 10, 2008, Mint Julep said…
The one in Tyler is Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and clerked for a Justice of the Texas Supreme Court. He also is a geologist and an adjunct professor at Baylor Law School. Name is William Farrar.
Clay has a lot of experience as well and I personally have worked with him. Why don't you give both of them a call and see who you like the best. That is the one that you will want to protect your interests. On this one, I would call Clay first.
At 11:14 on September 9, 2008, Mint Julep said…
Or, I know someone in Tyler who is really good and specialized. If you want to discuss more, you can email me or send me a message on this board.
At 3:30 on September 9, 2008, Mint Julep said…
Miracle, Try Clay Dark in Lufkin. He is very experienced in these areas.

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