When there is a downturn in the job market, experts advise get more education and to get out and network with people in your industry. An AMERICAN RIGHT OF WAY ASSOCIATES, INC. (ARA) class allows you to do both. They also have a heaping dose of Lagniappe to add, but I’ll get to that a little later.

I attended the AWA Right of Way (ROW) class held January 24, 2009 at the Petroleum Club in Shreveport. I’ve attended many educational seminars for Real Estate, Title and Mortgage. I have to say this was the most well appointed as far as amenities. The view might not help you learn the material but it was beautiful nonetheless. The meeting room was comfortable and well stocked with beverages and snacks and a gourmet lunch was served.

Everything necessary to complete the class was provided. Not just a training manual, but everything down to a calculator and engineer’s scale ruler to figure ROW measurements was present. The manual has step by step instructions for running basic title, ROW Due Diligence procedures and information explaining Engineering and Plats.

One thing that really struck me was the excitement and enthusiasm that they presented the information. This company has been working in the ROW industry for 27 years and they are still enjoying it. It wasn’t a rote and boring presentation. You could tell that they are passionate about their career. Everything was covered step by step. They also made sure that everyone understood the material.

I had a little skepticism before I got there that they would present information on how to “trick” landowners into signing low offers. I cannot count how many times that they said, “MAKE COMPLETELY SURE THAT YOU ARE HONEST WITH LANDOWNERS”. I found this thankfully surprising. It’s good to know that a company that is doing it RIGHT has been successful in business for such a long time.

The class that I attended had about 75 people in attendance. Of that number about 80% were unemployed landmen. There were also real estate agents, mortgage representatives, a construction inspector, and a community organizer. All of them appeared to enjoy the class as well. Unlike most of these seminars where everyone leaves as soon as they have a certificate, most stayed long after the class ended to speak with the instructors and network with each other.

Now the best part of the class is what ARA does after the class is completed. They accept résumé’s from any person who attends the class. They don’t just put them on a website that nobody reads, they actively market their students for work in the industry as a subcontractor for ARA. They have contracts with They have placed over 100 people so far. As additional incentive if you become a subcontractor of ARA they offer paid continuing education through their training courses and something almost unheard of HEALTH BENEFITS.

I look forward to attending their “in field” training course and you can bet that I will be polishing up my resume to forward it to them.

Views: 88

Tags: Education, ROW

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Comment by Anna Mauck-Member Services on February 2, 2009 at 8:48
Thanks for the report Parker! They have another one coming up that I've seen advertised on this site so maybe I'll get to that one.
Comment by intrepid on February 2, 2009 at 8:20
Good info, well presented, by parker.
Comment by Bobi Carr ("parker") on January 31, 2009 at 18:19
Thanks Gosh Darn. In the event that I take a job as a ROW agent, I don't intend to become a "buzzard".
Comment by GoshDarn on January 31, 2009 at 7:42
Solid reporting, parker. Clear and to the point.
Comment by Dorothy V. Scott on January 30, 2009 at 15:39
I agree. I attended the class and everything you said is correct. My highlight was the enthusiasm and the honesty that the owners expressed, it was refreshing. I am very excited about the opportunity to work for this company and look forward to attending the "in field" training as well. I will see you there.

Dorothy V. Scott


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