Me and my two brothers had a lease that has now expired and no other Landman or Oil Company has approached us for the Mineral Rights we have in Angelina County, Lufkin Texas.

Original lease was in 2015 but expired earlier this Year.

Chandler Johnson A-19 is location.

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Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on December 16, 2019 at 7:51

Actually this is the better Angelina County group.  More members.  Use this one.

Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on December 16, 2019 at 7:50

HI, Ryan.  Blog posts are hardly ever used on the site.  They are actually meant for the rare occasions when a long form post requires foregoing the character limitations in discussions and replies.  You should join the Angelina Group, see link below, and post your question there.  When you do that all the members of the group get an email alerting them to your new group discussion.


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