Chatting with T. Boone Pickens at the EnergyBiz Leadership Forum


The EnergyBiz Leadrship Forum was put together well. The focus of the conference tackled the effects of the Obama stimulus package on the power industry, as well as the short- and long-term consequences of the energy and economic crises. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was a little disappointed that CNG was not directly tackled in depth. It seemed that every other energy aspect was covered except CNG. This absence is probably explained when one looks at the current administration's energy goals and policy preferences. CNG didn’t make it into the stimulus bill unlike renewables and the Obama industry has made it fairly obvious that CNG is not an initial priority as evidenced by the addition of “hydrocarbon” taxes and the removal of existing tax deductions to certain E&Ps.

Even T. Boone Pickens, in our question and answer session with him, was “surprised” by these proposals and thought that it was a bad idea to “kick” the producers “while they are down.”

Watch the video…

Call me lazy, but why reinvent the wheel, especially when one is consumed which questions regarding our site’s format and playing referee. Below are 2 different perspectives on the EnergyBiz Leadership Forum. One by Warren Causey a writer for Energy Central, and the other by Martin Rosenberg, the moderator for many of the discussions.

Rosenberg’s WRITE UP. READ IT.

“Sven Thesen, one of the top execs at Better Place, kept flashing pictures of his two lovely daughters during his keynote, saying he and his compatriots want to make the earth a Better Place by ending our reliance on dirty oil for transport. Their scheme is to dot the landscape with battery changing stations.
Charles Phillips, president of Oracle, told us about what his company can do to help manage the avalanche of information that the energy revolution will spawn in the years ahead. "Energy is our next frontier," he said.

Several speakers at our concluding policy panel said that the American public has no idea that their electric bill could climb 40 to 100 percent in the near future as a result of cap and trade legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions. And several warned that if they are not careful, utilities may become the loathed tax collectors of a cash hungry federal bureaucracy.
Jacques Besnainou of Areva, in response to my questioning, said yes, indeed, the French have solved the nuclear waste issue to the satisfaction of their very French public, and they are willing to sent their insights to us as a gift - call it a 21st century Statue of Energy Liberty.
John Anderson of ELCON said if we do not watch it, rising energy prices could strangle American manufacturers, already on the ropes.
Susan Story, the president of Gulf Power, spoke passionately about the importance of upgrading math and science education for our future work force - our children.
Dan Reicher, Google's top energy guy, said that give people information about their energy use and they will use it.

John Bates, of Nuclear Innovation North America, said that the silver lining from the recession/depression is the fall in commodity prices which suddenly makes proposed new nuclear plants less expensive.
For dreamers of clean coal, Mike Mudd, the CEO of the FutureGen Alliance, threw out some cold water by pointing out that it will take 30 percent of the energy of a given coal-fired plant to power sequestration of its carbon dioxide. Speaking of FutureGen, one of our speakers, Rep. Bart Gordon, head of the U.S. House science and technology committee, made national news this week when he pointed out that the Bush Department of Energy cooked the books when it derailed FutureGen last year because of rising costs. Those cost increases were not as large as the Bush team alleged, Gordon has disclosed.”


“One of the constant themes of the conference was that energy prices for average consumers are going to go up sharply in the next couple of years as the Obama Administration and the huge Democrat majority in Congress embrace the most radical of environmentalist positions including Cap and Trade—probably with all allowances auctioned. Even Rep. Bart Gordon, D-Tenn., chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology, admitted when I interviewed him that prices will be going up, though he wouldn’t guess at a percentage. I heard numbers everywhere from 15 percent to more than 100 percent for the projected increase in electric rates.

All this is based upon dubious “consensus science” and computer modeling claiming that CO2 is causing an unnatural Global Warming. “Consensus science” isn’t science, it is politics and politics from the far-left and radical environmentalists. I still don’t understand their motivation for this political movement, unless it was just to get into power. That they have accomplished.”


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Comment by Sarah on March 25, 2009 at 15:37
That was a great post Alamo! Thank you! Keith I want to say a great big thanks to you too, for this site. I can't seem to find that 10,000th member post but I wanted to send my congratulations to you anyway. Congrats! I hope you enjoyed your cigar. You have blessed so many people by creating this social network. I know it has been a huge blessing for me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have found wise counsel, sympathy, and levity here. And of course angst. There's an intense level of strife going on in some of the discussions, but that is to be expected in these times when our great country is in such chaos. And we have all kinds of people with lots of points of views. I'm sorry you're having to play referee'. I hope that dies out soon. BTW, that's one more reason I couldn't moderate the political and East Texas forums. And I do apologize for not pitching in and's just that I would lose my mind if I had to read it all. Despite all the infighting, GHS is a great place to get informed and meet wonderful people. Thanks for making it all possible.
And...thanks for going to the energy forum and bringing back this information to us!
Comment by Alamo on March 23, 2009 at 12:57
To get the natural gas (NG) industry headed in the right direction; ie, a profitable--but equitable pricing arrangement is mandatory. That is a "price" that enables producers a reasonable return and at the same time does not bankrupt the consuming public. Experts tell us that NG as a transportation fuel (CNG) is about 40 percent cheaper than gasoline made from crude oil which is a 70 percent imported commodity. Add in the cost in defense spending required to insure that crude continues to be available on the world market and the cost escalates further.

Solar energy is most likely the best solution to our energy needs. Until the technology problems associated with widespread solar implementation are solved, we must have national transportation mobility. As Boone Pickens often points out, so far there is no battery sufficient to move heavy tractor-trailers, heavy equipment, railroad locomotives, busses, etc. CNG can power that equipment and do it more efficiently and considerably cleaner (less polluting) than gasoline and diesel made from foreign supplied crude oil.

America has the NG reserves and much of the pipeline infrastructure already in place if we can pressure Congress to enact the legislation necessary to transition the country to CNG. Something like 50 percent of the 50 states have significant NG reserves and more is being discovered every year. Recent estimates range as high as 100 plus years' supplies of gas exist at current rates of usage. If we start using it as our primary source of transportation energy it will stimulate the need for more gas exploration significantly. That translates into more leasing, more drilling, more pipelines, more alternative energy sources, but best of all, it translates into millions of more good AMERICAN JOBS!

This economy definitely needs a stimulous and NG can be a primary, if not the number 1 stimulous.
Let OPEC and the rest of the world determine their needs independent of the United States. We don't need their crude; we shouldn't want the filthy stuff and increasingly, we cannot afford the disastrous drain on our weakened economy that it represents---especially when we have a vastly superior fuel about 10,000 to 15,000 feet beneath us.

Are your Congressional representatives on board? If not,they need to be!
Comment by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on March 16, 2009 at 4:36

I think you may be waiting awhile for details from him. He is very much a visionary big picture type. An example of this was during the luncheon when he was speaking. He was referencing the need for a better grid to bring enhanced energy capabilities. He suggested that the government just do it in a "cram down" approach. Later the next day a utilities guy critiqued T. Boone for this stating his concern for the consumer and how the consumer's bill would sky rocket if this were to be implemented.
Comment by donna bryan on March 15, 2009 at 20:30
My husband has been in the oilfield since he was 17 yrs. of age. We have gone up and down, up and down and up and down again. He lives for his profession and at this point in our lives, it seems a bit late to change. The news from the forum seems like more doom and gloom for the oilfield, which provides so much for all of us, in so many ways that we do not realize. It is going to be a bit hard for we ladies to put on make up made from batteries instead of petroleum based products and this is not where is stops or even begins. I am 61 years of age and sick of the politicians i.e. liars, yanking our chains.
Comment by Ronald F. Adams on March 15, 2009 at 12:14
Mr. Pickens is interested in making money, just like the rest of us American citizens that believe in the Constitution and the pursuit of happiness. Long live American capitalism and the USA.
Comment by sesport on March 15, 2009 at 11:01
Thank you, H, for taking the time to attend & bring us the info. I see several topics that I'm interested in digging into ... do you know whether the conference has a website with links to the articles/presentations?

Re. your interview with T. Boone - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that it had been a long couple of days, but I was hoping for more specifics & details. Forgive me if this sounds overly critical, but I thought it sounded like just more rhetoric.

Best - sesport :0)
Comment by Landowner on March 14, 2009 at 7:27
Keith, Thanks so much for taking the time to provide us with what information you received at the forum.


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