Developments in NM: NMOGA Head and State O&G Regulations

Recent developments in New Mexico have Bob Gallagher, head of the NMOGA, leaving his post amid what appear to be contentions over his opinions regarding state regulations, the "direction" in which the NMOGA wishes to take it's organization, and a state administration that is attempting to revamp it's oversight of the industry.

"President Bob Gallagher says the organization fired him this week for damaging its reputation.
Oil and Gas Association directors on Friday would not confirm or deny the report.

"As of (Wednesday), NMOGA bought out my contract and terminated me," Gallagher told the New Mexico Business Weekly. "They say I damaged the image and reputation of NMOGA so bad that I am no longer effective in representing the oil and gas industry."

Additionally from the article ...

"Gallagher, 53, was known as a staunch critic of the state's increasing industry regulations, including the so-called pit rule that requires expensive drilling safeguards to provide what the oil and gas association argued was a limited protection to groundwater."

Is this an indication of the "new directions" that state OGA's will need to explore as individual state DNR's work to revise, rework, enhance, improve (whatever you wish to call it) their regs in an effort prevent the federal government from making their own moves to regulate production of mineral resources?

I have a link to the state department's response to some of Mr. Gallagher's published opinions, but it appears to have a glitch. If I can find a better link, I'll edit this post. If anyone else can find a better link to their rebuttal, feel free to post it.


Here is a link that has links to the EMNRD's response to the NMOGA, and Exhibot documents, in this matter. These links are near the bottom of the page. The link to Exhibit D is thought provoking.

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