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GHS: Let’s talk about the inspiration for your profile name.
WEST: It’s actually just my name, Deborah Durst West

GHS: What’s your day job?
WEST: I own and operate Classic Lady Motors.

GHS: What are your ties to Louisiana?
WEST: I was raised in Lafayette LA.

GHS: Why do you care about the Haynesville Shale, but more importantly,
WEST: We have 92 acres in Section 4, T14N, R 15W. We leased in March 2009. My sister who lives in Lafayette helped with the leasing. Her husband is in the oil industry and had quite a bit of information for us. We are currently leased with Cheasapeake.

GHS: Tell us something about your family.
WEST: I have 2 daughters, ages 26 and 28.

GHS: What movie would hold your #1 slot on Netflix?
WEST: My Cousin Vinny

GHS: Fill in the blank. When I am not on I…
WEST: …attend classic car shows and auctions, I go boating, and I travel

GHS: Has anything surprised you about your involvement with the Haynesville Shale?
WEST: I did not know that the shale had so many nice people around, but I was not surprised, LA is the best!

GHS: Something you find annoying?
WEST: People who leave grocery carts in empty parking spaces, how rude and lazy!

GHS: A few of your favorite things?
WEST: I love all classic cars, mostly Cadillac from the late 50's to early 60's

GHS: Parting advice for the mineral owner?
WEST: We talked to other landowners, kept up with activity through GHS, and, when the lease arrived, we got an excellent oil and gas attorney who was familiar with Chesapeake’s leases and could advise us. We had quite a “slippery” landman handling our lease. I would advise anyone to gather as much information as possible and get professional advice. Seems to me that the leases are purposely worded to be tricky; I have a good understanding of legal terms, but the lease was quite complicated.

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Comment by Dorcheated A1 on September 16, 2009 at 6:41
Hi Deborah,

Thanks for sharing a little information about you, and the family.
Comment by Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr. on September 16, 2009 at 5:14
Hi Deborah,

Welcome to the site. Your interview was most interesting.

I love old cars. Wish I had my first car back. It was a 1937 Packard. Very classy looking. I was 16 when I got it. The car was 4 years younger than me. Later in life I came to love late 40's and early 50's Studebakers. I owned several.

Do you ever go to Phoenix for Barrett-Jackson auction. Being a long time resident of Arizona I have gone quite a few times.

In regard to your commen re: leasing my lawyer constantly reminds me that the pre-printed lease are written by oil company lawyers for oil companies. They are ok if generously modified with Pugh clauses and strikeouts. Most people sign them as printed. Too bad.
Comment by Bobi Carr ("parker") on September 14, 2009 at 7:09

I imagine after prices increase, lot's of shalers will want to get in touch with you.

It sounds like you are already living your dreams.

Please put up some more pictures of your cars so we can drool some more.
Comment by Wolverine on September 14, 2009 at 6:42
Deborah it's good to have you on here at Go Haynesville Shale!!!
Comment by Two Dogs, Pirate on September 14, 2009 at 3:43
Hey Deb, I remember back in jr high when a motorcycle rider got impaled on one of those fins of a 62 caddy, first thing one morning when the caddy was stoped, waiting to turn into the jr high. I think that the dude lived. I have a 1964 and 1/2 mustang that I will restore one day when I get some time to work on it. I have a title problem with the car that needs to be fixed before I spend any more money on it.
Comment by king john on September 13, 2009 at 6:59
hey deborah, thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself. how did you get into the classic car game? was it somethimg you have always been intrested in ?
Comment by Dion Warr, CPL on September 13, 2009 at 5:47

Good having you here with us on GHS.

I might have to point my stepfather your way in the next little bit. He has been itching to invest in a classic car for a while now. Where is your "bidness" located in Lafayette (invite for shameless plug)?
Comment by Rosebud on September 13, 2009 at 4:27
Hi Deborah,

My husband used to collect vintage sportscars and motorcycles; now they're garaged and he's off playing golf! LOL! I know how much work is involved and also how much fun it can be. When my first Jeep Cherokee was less than a month old, we brought an entire Corvette exhaust system home from Houston to Shreveport inside the Jeep! It went from the dashboard to the back door!

I'd love for you to join the Out of Gas Group - we have a lot of fun discussing non-topic adventures...and I'll bet you would fit right in!!

Comment by Bobi Carr ("parker") on September 10, 2009 at 7:28
Hi Deborah,

It's nice to meet you via the web. GHS is sure full of interesting people.


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