Just recieved a letter from attroneys of SAMSON CONTOUR ENERGY informing me that are creating 2 addional drilling and production units for Cotton Valley Formation and Haynesville Shale in Sec.8-10 W- 10N. I only own 1 acre- that has never been leased. Anyone else been contacted. If I read this correctly also includes S-5-10-10 and Sec18-10-10.

Views: 54

Tags: Field-, Grogan, Natchitoches, Parish, contour, samson

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Comment by Checkmateking on February 12, 2010 at 9:22
Ahh, good old Samson, the master of unit formation, maybe they will drill a well one day.
Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on February 4, 2010 at 11:16
rhedle. Can you scan the pre-app notice letter and post it here on the site? If so, I suggest that you do so on the Main Page or the Natchitoches Parish Group page. Most members never read Blog posts. They are basically out of sight and out of mind. Blogs are meant for article length posts that are beyond the character capacity of the regular discussion poss.l Many more members will see your topic and respond to your post when it is located in the right section of the site.

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