LAUNCH: Cline, Wolfcamp And Bone Springs - Permian Basin Completions Congress


December 5 - 6, 2012 | Houston | Texas

Examining The Hottest Horizontal And Vertical Plays

In The Permian Basin

Dear Colleague,

With the recent emergence of horizontal
formations such as the
Wolfcamp, Bone
and Cline, operators
have been forced to re-evaluate their exploitation strategy for Permian wells.
Hosting a multi-layered and multi-reservoir production environment, the Permian
remains one of the most unique basins in North America and, with an
unparalleled ability to continually produce high volumes, the basin’s long-term
production capabilities remain indisputable. The questions surrounding the
Permian now are not in its reserve quantities or ability to produce, but in how
optimize production, reduce recovery
and maximize profits.


The Permian
Basin Completions Congress 2012
will be the first event to break the
Midland & Delaware Basins down by the hottest horizontal and vertical
plays, to derive optimum drilling and completions techniques, drive down costs,
and improve the overall economics of wells. It will also provide a full
cost-benefit analysis of horizontal vs. vertical wells to answer one of the biggest questions to date:
What is the
most economic type of well to drill and complete in the Permian


Over two packed days, E&P executives
and experts from the most active operators in the Permian will be coming to
present their latest results and insights and deliver solutions on the
following plays:


Wolfcamp, Bone Spring & Cline


  • Identifying the very latest techniques used to drill these lateral lengths
  • Analyzing what horizontal completions and frac designs are being used by various operators
  • Examining the cost of these horizontal wells vs. the rate of recovery being seen
  • Improving the overall economics of a horizontal well in the Permian


Wolfberry, Wolfbone & Wolftoka


  • Deriving the interval depth to which operators are drilling their verticals and the zonal contributions they are seeing from each extra interval drilled
  • Analyzing the type of frac fluids, frac sizes and pumping volumes producer’s are using to complete the wells
  • Deducing the extra costs involved in frac design variations to determine if there have been any significant enhancements in production relative to costs



The above is a short summary of the
presentations being delivered at the
Basin Completions Congress 2012
; the full two-day agenda can be seen here.




Expert Speakers From Major E&P Companies Actively Operating In The Permian Basin:

  • Denzil West, VP Operations, Reliance Energy
  • Oscar Galvis, Bone Spring Project Manager, Chevron
  • Randy Nickerson, VP Exploration, Caza Petroleum
  • Robert Huitzenga, Chief Drilling & Completion Engineer, Cimarex Energy
  • Keith Skaar, VP Exploration, Element Petroleum
  • Darrell S. Lohoefer, President, Eagle Oil & Gas Co.
  • Keith Baker, VP Exploration, Blacksands Petroleum
  • Matthew Gallagher, Engineering & Geoscience Manager, Parsley Energy
  • Kennedy Nwabuoku, Sr. Staff Production Engineer - Wolfcamp Asset, EP Energy
  • Bob Spiller, President, Spiller Operating Co.
  • Joel Stockford, Drilling Manager, Murchison Oil & Gas
  • Jeff White, VP Operations, Diamondback Energy
  • Mark Solari, Production Engineer, Energen Resources
  • JC Courtney, Production Foreman, Endeavour Energy
  • Charles Teague, Division Manager, Texas Rail Road Commission
  • Wole Omole, Operations Team Lead - Permian Production, Hess Corporation
  • Mitch Meyer, VP Exploration, Three Forks Resources
SAVE $400 & REGISTER HERE (Offer ends October 12, 2012).

To find out more about sponsorship or exhibition opportunities, please contact the team on (1) 800 721 3915

We look forward to welcoming you to the Permian Basin Completions Congress 2012, taking place in Houston, Texas on December 5 - 6.
Kind Regards

Jane Thomas

American Business Conferences

T: (1) 800 721 3915

Denzil West
VP Operations
Reliance Energy
Oscar Galvis
Bone Spring Project Manager
Randy Nickerson
VP Exploration
Caza Petroleum
Robert Huitzenga
Chief Drilling &
Completion Engineer

Cimarex Energy
Kennedy Nwabuoku
Sr. Staff Production Engineer - Wolfcamp Asset
EP Energy

Darrell S. Lohoefer
Eagle Oil & Gas Co.

Keith Skaar
VP Exploration
Element Petroleum

Matthew Gallagher
Engineering &
Geoscience Manager

Parsley Energy

Keith Baker
VP Exploration
Blacksands Petroleum

Mitch Meyer
VP Exploration
Three Forks Resources

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