Does anyone else out there receiving or expecting to receive payments for NG taken from your wells think the gas companies are screwing up your division orders and second-year property usage payments on purpose to bank on the interest and keep money out of our pockets.

There seems like a lot of dim-wits are working in the offices of some of the Encore and Petrohawk locations. We have rights on one producing well now, one which has been fracked and another about to be fracked and we have had to send back in paper work several times due to errors. Good luck getting someone to return your calls. The person you need to speak is literally always out of the office at the time you call. Go figure.

Be sure you check your original records before signing any checks. Also, there may be errors in your division orders, so check with someone you can trust before sending them in.

There have been so many mistakes in our paper work received from Encore and Petrohawk that it is almost comical.

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Comment by Angelonmyshoulder on January 31, 2010 at 13:02
i Haven't heard anythingfrom petro since we got our bonus money last june how in the world do I find anything out.. thankyou susan
Comment by Angelonmyshoulder on January 31, 2010 at 12:59
has anybody recieved rolayity payments yet frm petro or anybody?
Comment by MARG on January 30, 2010 at 9:33
To: The Chandlers
It would be a good move for you to review the division orders, recalculate your decimal interest in the well or locate someone with expertise to review the documents. Also, we are told to write a letter as they are obligated to answer the letter withing specified times, etc. Certof
Comment by sesport on January 28, 2010 at 13:15
kj - Are you referring to the Encore/Denbury merger late in '09?
Comment by king john on January 26, 2010 at 0:27
i have my lawyer check the decimal point intrest for me. he has a nifty computer program that is easy to plug the information into. that takes the guess work out of it. i am also involved in one unit operated by encore. i have personally never had any problems with them. encore was recently sold, but i cant remember the name of the company that bought them. does anyone out there remember who the buyer was?


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