Questions About Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) Answered

Awhile back, someone started a discussion regarding the direction Waxman would take Congressional energy policy. Those questions may have been answered with the appointment of Rep. Markey (D-MA) to chair the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on energy and the environment.


"The elevation is good news for environmentalists. My colleague John Broder has described Mr. Markey as “a frustrated advocate for automobile fuel efficiency and energy conservation legislation in his 15 terms in Congress.”

In November, the Michigan Congressman John Dingell — a longtime auto industry advocate — was ousted from the chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and replaced with Henry A. Waxman, a California Democrat favored by environmentalists, who is expected to act more aggressively on matters like climate change.

According to The Globe, Mr. Markey already is chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

The appointment may speed action on climate change, and is also 'good news for Waxman,' writes Frank O’Donnell of the Clean Air Watch in a blog. 'As chairman of the full committee, Waxman needs someone with juice to stake out a position to his political left [I didn't know that was possible]. Markey is just the person to do this.'"

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Tags: Henry, Waxman

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Comment by Lerret on January 17, 2009 at 16:54
A recent bill passed in Colorado is now estimated to add $50,000 to the cost of drilling a single well. The unintended consequences relate to oil companies having to notify anyone who is "impacted" by their drilling. That means a person living on a mountain 5 miles away who can see the drill rig thru his binoculars has the right to be notified and contest the drilling site. It's called "Viewscape."

I am less concerned about Waxman's environmental position - especially on the fool's errand of Global Warming - than I am about his demagoguery of personally haranguing Oil executives over price. 60 Minutes exposed the truth about the Oil Industry's ability to control prices. Morgan Stanley "owned" on paper 20% OF ALL THE OIL in the world last summer, all in hedge fund trades. Each day 25 times the amount of oil this country uses was traded in the Pits of the Commodities Markets. This was what skewed the price of oil. Bush was dead wrong when he argued to the Saudis they needed to increase supplies. The Saudi's correctly identifed the problem as Speculation coming from Greenwich, CT and similar Hedge Fund centers.

Waxman claims to be a reformer but refuses to allow Sibel Edmonds, a whistleblower, to testify about corruption in the U. S. Government. While Waxman rails against Bush for "Politicizing" scientific and resource departments of the government, he is equally for fencing out any debate on the issue of Global Warming.
Comment by Anna Mauck-Member Services on January 13, 2009 at 17:42
This link details Waxman's record on Natural Gas:


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