Rallying cry from 1920 Rallying shout for 2009

Rallying cry from 1920 (workers of the world unite). Ralling shout for 2009 (haynesville shale unleased mineral owners unite). We cannot use collective bargaining as our greatgrandfathers did in the 1920s or the neighboorhood shale groups in 2008. but we can unite and compile what information we have as individuals into a larger body of knowledge that collectively, perhaps we can piece together enough information to contend with the energy companies that want 75% of our minerals . the bar association members that want 33 and 1/3% of our income from minerals and the IRS that wants another 20+%. Let' utilize this forum to educate each other. Everyone please post everything you can that might be informative to fellow shalers.

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Comment by lanadan Ds3 on March 16, 2009 at 22:20
Hello, and greetings from one who agrees with you 110%!

However, (and this is a relatively minor point, I suppose), -- the phrase ". . . workers of the world UNITE! . . . " comes from the beginning of Karl Marx's COMMUNIST MANIFESTO published in the early 1800's.
Comment by JamesCO on March 15, 2009 at 18:34
I own a home in the fringes of South Highlands near Mall St Vincent. I was stunned to receive a letter from Twin Cities last week. Anybody have any idea what to expect from these guys? I do not live there. It is not an option to quiz my neighbors as I live in California and my tenants are handled by a go between.

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