Unleased in Red River and Bienville

We are a novice in trying to understand Sonris. We own approximately 38 acres in both Red River and Bienville Parishes.  14N R7 33,34 outside of Ashland and 12N 8 29 near Grand Bayou Reservoir. Both were leased twice about 8 years ago, but have not had any further leasing opportunities except the occasional generic letter asking if we would like to sell our rights. We can no longer locate the coordinates on the Ashland area on Sonris. Do not know if the land has been removed from Haynesville or not. Any ideas of what is happening in these areas? 

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Comment by Renee W on May 10, 2018 at 8:32


Comment by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant on May 10, 2018 at 5:09

Renee, you have posted your question in the Blog portion of the website which is not a good spot for your purpose.  Go to the website Main Page using this link:  http://gohaynesvilleshale.com/  and click on Add a Discussion, the blue button in the upper right column.  If you like you can simply cut-and-paste your discussion text above or just type it anew in the General Shale Discussions portion of the website. 

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