Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)'s Comments

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At 3:39 on July 22, 2009, alvin thompson said…
ty, Keith! my goal is to see how the Haynesville's affect will change the climate for not only those in e tx and n la, but how this impacts the gulf, henry hub, fayetteville area and the global perspective as it relates to energy.
At 9:35 on July 21, 2009, K E said…
Thank you so much, Keith. This site is a brilliant combination of facts and curiosity and knowledgeable input and a little fun. Your effort in building this resource is stellar! Thank you for your vision.
At 8:36 on July 21, 2009, jffree1 said…
Keith, Regarding Freestone County Group, it occurs to me that there are four counties (Freestone, Limestone, Robertson, Leon) which seem to be their own play. While it is Bossier, they generally lump the Cotton Valley, Bossier & Cotton Valley Lime all together in fields. The Bossier out there may contain some shale but it is goining to be primarily Sand(stone) with some shale interspersed (that's what I get from my reading, anyhow).
You might consider putting these four counties together and call it something like Central Texas "Tight Gas" Play. You are basically getting away from the Haynesville Shale when you get that far west, I think. Lots of gas, though.
At 16:52 on July 19, 2009, jffree1 said…
Keith, Just FYI, I only discovered the Freestone County Group last week while browsing through all of the Groups. Were any Group Invites sent out for this one?
At 11:05 on July 16, 2009, Erica said…
Have you heard of this?
At 4:05 on July 15, 2009, WayneandAnna said…
I know some of the landholders around me and email them occasionally. So, yes I should be able to attract some people. I'm a good researcher, so I could find ways to reach out.

At 3:21 on July 15, 2009, adubu said…
Keith-----Thanks for honor of new group but name of group should be "Nacgodoches County" not adubu---Please correct
At 0:17 on July 14, 2009, adubu said…
Keith---Still waiting on reply on my request to start new group NACGODOCHES COUNTY. adubu
At 22:45 on July 11, 2009, Joe Dyer said…
Keith, This is Joe again. I would like to join " Out of Gas " Group. Do I need to take some kind of laughter test or somethin' to get in? Let me know. Thanks a million, Joe.
At 19:49 on July 10, 2009, Joe Dyer said…
Keith,Joe Dyer here. How are you doing? Hope everythingsO.K. I have a question for you. A real good friend of mine who owns some land in south Bossier Parish( Cooterville ) I'm trying to find out for him who is in charge of R.O.W. pipelines for Petrohawk. He is having a hard time finding out who that person is and he knows a lot of people. If you can help us find out we sure would appreciate it. You can go to my site or E-Mail me at with some info on this, we would be grateful,Thank You,Joe.
At 13:32 on July 8, 2009, Velma Woodle said…
Thanks, You have a Good Night.
At 10:23 on July 8, 2009, jim donaldson said…
Been offline for a while....My prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time.
At 9:52 on July 8, 2009, Jerry L. Nugent said…
Thanks Keith! Hope to blog soon and look forward for more info on river crosssing hdd!!
At 9:31 on July 8, 2009, WayneandAnna said…

I'd be willing to be administrator for the Fayetteville Shale discussions. Anna and I own 40 acres in the new Ozark Highlands Unit Area, used to live in Arkansas, both of us born in Arkansas, but now live in Illinois.

At 6:12 on July 8, 2009, Jim Spain said…
Thanks for your comment. Times have been tough since the accident. I was working in the Fayetteville Shale Play as a lease buyer and lesing supervisor, but had to come home and attend to the family matters. I am now looking for a job in the Haynesville Shale Play and would appreciate the names of some brokers in the area. Could you give me some direction? Anything to go on would be appreciated.
At 10:07 on July 7, 2009, adubu said…
Keith---How do you sent attachment email and post it for group discussion?
At 9:58 on June 25, 2009, T. Larry Smith said…
where can I get a map of the well locations in RR Parish
T.L. Smith
At 8:26 on June 22, 2009, Paw said…
Keith, I'm forwarding a page that a fellow sent me out here. You may be interested in posting it. It may help explain part of this process to some folks.
At 15:34 on June 21, 2009, Landowner said…
Hi Keith, Hope you had a nice father's day with your new baby.
At 6:56 on June 21, 2009, mireve3 said…
keith have you heard of any leasing in lincoln parish section 11 township19
if so has there been any price per acre or any meetings here thanks


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