Kathy Morgan's Comments

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At 15:12 on May 12, 2010, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Thanks, Kathy. It's the first step down a long judicial road that likely ends at the LA. State Supreme Court. This trial was the mineral owner vs. Questar. In the coming appellate trials it will be the mineral owner against the combined weight of the Industry as this case is likely to set a legal precedent the outcome of which will be measured in $B's for thousands of mineral owners. I am honored to play a small part in representing the plaintiff. Thank you for your encouragement. Regards, Skip
At 16:31 on January 9, 2010, Rosebud said…
Oh, no! I can't think of anything that would sufficiently distract my thoughts if I had a son in Iraq. I certainly will pray for his safe return.
At 13:58 on January 9, 2010, Rosebud said…
I've been thinking about you this week. I know your favorite time of the year is fast approaching!!
At 3:13 on November 23, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
What an adorable picture!
At 3:59 on October 22, 2009, Rosebud said…
Thank you for the patriotic heart, Kathy. I really do like it and am proud to have it.

At 14:36 on May 4, 2009, sesport said…
Congrats for making it to the top of the top 20 Featured Shalers! Enjoy the view ... LOL.

Best - sesport :0)
At 19:56 on May 2, 2009, Major Bonnie said…
Hi, are you the tax lady who came to some of the East 80 Meetings? Also, I think I met you at BPCC handing out H&R Block materials. I was handing out the East 80 fliers. Bonnie
At 18:54 on May 2, 2009, sesport said…
I think I'm a little late, but Happy ? th Birthday! Here's to the wisdom that comes with age. I'm also now seeing Keith's comment ... we made 2 "pitstops" in NJ at McGuire years & years ago. Have a safe trip, too.

Best - sesport :0)
At 9:39 on May 1, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Hey, I saw on Dorcheated that you are going to NJ...what part? Happy B-Day!
At 16:10 on April 30, 2009, Bobi Carr ("parker") said…
Hey Kathy,

Happy Birthday!
At 15:48 on April 30, 2009, Snake Stewart said…
Happy Birthday Ms. Kathy! I am coming back in to town tomorrow and may not be able to get on line.(LOL) Ithought DCH'ed was under town arrest & couldnt leave town. HA!HA!HA! Just kiddin DCH!
At 9:25 on April 30, 2009, Dorcheated A1 said…
Happy birthday Kathy, I'll be out of town all weekend, so I figured, I'd wish you an early one. Thanks for all your help and advice, you have been a huge asset to all of us on GHS.
At 15:10 on April 18, 2009, Shelley said…
Kathy, Thank you so much......... Things in mylife have been some what wacky for two years since my dad has been sick.. I have really done some stupid things.. Just not thinking straight or to much going on in my mind..... trying to deal with all of it has been hard. I truly thank you for this information. All sorts o things have been going through my mind... Afraid of Audit would be on us because i didn't sign. Again thank you !!!!!!!
At 1:45 on April 10, 2009, sesport said…
Hi Kathy - Just stopping by to hand out 5 points & a vote for "Featured Shaler." LOL Pay it forward!
Have a good weekend - sesport
At 19:11 on April 7, 2009, Bobi Carr ("parker") said…

I saw that you are now a celebrity.

At 8:15 on February 28, 2009, Eric S. Clarke said…
Yes Gina ia doing a wonderful job looking out for the HOA and Espinita and E. Forrest interests. Did you notice the different colors of the maps? Why is it that Twin Cities is in Yellow and Chesapeake in Blue if what twin cities is tell us "We are Chesapeake", is in fact true? We know and have been telling everyone this all along.
At 6:22 on February 19, 2009, Sarah said…
I am so sorry you were bitten by a snake. And it almost cost you your life. How frightening. I'm sorry you have nightmares. I can certainly understand why you don't like them either. I talked with someone who was bitten by a copperhead when she was a girl. Don't want to bring up memories for you but I'm sure it was very painful, like hers was.
At 11:48 on February 14, 2009, DRanger said…
I signed a bonus lease with a drilling company that has
sent me a 1099 /listing it as royalties. company want change it.what can I do to file correctly. Thanks
At 10:13 on February 11, 2009, DW said…
Thanks for the info on rents vs. non-employee compensation for sale of the deep rights under an existing oil and gas lease. I forgot to mention that I am self-employed and do file a schedule C for oil and gas and other income.

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