Rozzy's Comments

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At 18:31 on June 13, 2013, jffree1 said…

Hi Rozzy! We've been talking about the 'old-timers' who don't come around much anymore and I thought of you. Hope you are well. That's a good picture, btw. I try to hide the real me, lol. Hair's getting grayer every day, feels like.

At 5:13 on August 7, 2011, jffree1 said…
Hey Rozzy.  Good to see you!
At 10:22 on December 10, 2010, Tom Hough said…

Hey Rozzy. I didn't know you were a Shaler.

At 13:10 on December 9, 2010, jffree1 said…

Oh, I'm good.  And, I am happy to see you posting again.  I don't know that I can help since most of my limited knowledge is on the Texas side but I will tell you that the smartest thing you could do is talk to a good oil & gas attorney.  A ROW is something I would never try to negotiate without counsel.  Merry Christmas!

At 12:02 on December 9, 2010, jffree1 said…

Rozzy!!!!  Where have you been???

At 15:44 on April 3, 2010, Rosebud said…
O.K., how come everytime I see you, you look prettier than before? You look prettier and I look more like my paternal grandmother every day of my life! LOL!

Happy Easter to you! I've just come from a family holiday feast, so stuffed I can't even sit up straight...and tonight's dinner was pretty much a pre-party to what's coming tomorrow.

It's always so good to hear from you!

At 5:15 on August 14, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Take a moment to fill the GHS Survey. Your feedback & assistance will help me guage what we need to do on the site to improve your shaling experience.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Keith "Haynesville"
Site Publisher
At 3:58 on July 26, 2009, Rosebud said…
Hey lady, it's so good to see you back - whatever you're doing these days must be agreeing with you, you look prettier than ever!

At 6:08 on April 1, 2009, carl hadden said…
I saw a whitacker back on the page, is that one of your people
At 5:59 on February 13, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Just dropping by to say hello. Have one "shale" of a day. Also, there some new profile questions. Check those out by clicking HERE. We are also coming up on our 10,000th member. Be sure to celebrate with me. Click HERE for more about that.
At 9:55 on February 6, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Rozzy. There will be many mineral owners solicited to sell minerals or royalty for years to come. Some offers (companies) are legit, some are not. And the reason that it continues is that people sell their minerals from time to time for many personal reasons. Most of the members can't imagine a scenario that would lead them to sell. And those that would decide to do so would only endure unkind comments if they were to admit it on the site. If you have no intention to sell, just throw those offers in the trash.
At 9:44 on February 6, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Rozzy. You are welcome. Stay vigilant. Good Luck.
At 8:51 on January 9, 2009, carl hadden said…
you have my email address, I need yours if that is possible
At 4:23 on January 9, 2009, carl hadden said…
give us a holler
At 4:22 on January 9, 2009, carl hadden said…
RMarvisoz here are my sisters' Email, maybe they can help



kay-------- james

At 0:25 on January 9, 2009, carl hadden said…
we are waiting on Petrohawk
At 23:56 on January 8, 2009, carl hadden said…
one of my Uncles was a pilot during the was, his name was Eddie Hadden.
At 16:14 on December 3, 2008, Bobi Carr ("parker") said…
Just wanted to wish you Happy Birthday tomorrow.
At 23:51 on December 2, 2008, Snake Stewart said…
Well, It looks like someone is having a Birthday tomorrow. I thought that young women stopped having Birthdays when they got our age ? (chuckle,chuckle)
All jokes aside, I hope that you have a very special Birthday and that everything you wish for comes true. God Bless!
At 9:45 on November 17, 2008, Dorcheated A1 said…
Hi Rozzy,
I'm suppose to be a dumb redneck hence the mag upside down.
It didn't play to well I'll have to try again

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