Welcome. Make sure you read this. It will give you a feel for the beginnings of the site.

ALERT: If you have question about leasing in your area, be sure to join a specific parish group and post the qustion there.
Dig deep on here.

There is a alot of information. I am in the process of categorizing it, but it takes some time. The site began in late May and we have had over 1500 posts not counting the parish/county group discussions. Be sure to join your county/parish group. Alot of information is shared here and the discussions tend to get to heart of the matter. If you have a question about leasing in your area, this is the place to post it.

Also, get acquainted with the website. There are a bunch of gadgets on here, but they are easy to learn.

Click on "my setting" over in the box on the right upper corner of the homepage. This allows you to get to info on:

1. Account
2. About Me
3. Privacy
4. Email

Also in the sign in box are the "my friends" and "invite" links. As you post you may want to befriend people. This link sends an invite to them. Also, you'll see an "inbox" link. This is an internal priavte email system. No one can see this, even the administrators of the site. If you have it set correctly, you can get a copy of the message sent to your regular email. Also, in the box, you'll see a "quick add" ability. This speeds up the process of posting something.

Also. click n all the tabs along the top of the home page.

"Your Place" is the page where people can leave you comments on your wall. There is also a text box on "Your Place" in which you can enter simple text to tell us more about you or you can plug in html to put a "hyper link," "add an image" or "upload a document." If you are unsure as to how to do this, grab the nearest 5th grader. "Your Place" will also show all your pictures, blogs, video, posts, events, groups.

"Your Place" also has a theme which can be changed. To do this the "theme' link is under your profile picture when you are on "Your Place."

To keep up with the site I suggest using a feeder. Here are a few.
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Alright, time to make your first post below. Tell us howdy or hello or whatever is on your mind. Thanks!

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Views: 567

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they are free! it feeds the latest discussions into your yahoo or google homepage...they are helpful
My name is Carmen. I am very interested in what is happening in my area. I live on red oak rd off sligo, I haven't a clue about what is happening with all this. Looking forward to hearing from someone that can give me some information.
Hello there... I'm Roz from Houston, Texas and I am new here. (Just in case you haven't notice. LOL!) I am really excited about the Haynesville Shales excitement and I want to learn as much as possible. So PLEASE share the "Wealth" of information?

New to this. How can someone find out well data on a new well that is close to thier section?
Go to Sonris see link below(copy and paste it into your address bar)


On Well Information click Wells by Section Township Range. Enter your Section, Township, Range. If there are multiple wells click on the serial numbers to review information.

Hope that helps.
I'm new. Just starting to check the web site. I have a small amount of property in Bossier Parish east of Benton. Any information about this this area would be appreciated.
Has anyone heard about any meetings coming up for south bossier? What groups are available within that area, particulary for section 13. What is a projected time for negotiating for that area.
Hello lulu,
Glad you could join us.
I thought there use to be a SEARCH mechanism on the site ... however, I can not find it .. I am trying to find the the Thread on SAMSON company.

Hey Roy,
Go to discussions at the top of a titled page. You will be given the option of discussion topics. There you will find the search box. There seem to be 137 hits to Samson. I provided the link below. Hope it helps.


Hi everyone! New to the site and own mineral rights in Shelby County, Nathan Davis Survey, A-147. Leased this past Nov. with St. Mary. Any news is much appreciated.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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