Officials weigh the possibilities of producing natural gas vehicles at Shreveport plant.

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Thanks for posting that, BD. Made my day! Maybe someone IS listening to us? lol

But, I must say, I'm not a happy camper with Moret's thoughts about this.

"However, the prospect of using the local GM facility to manufacture natural gas vehicles would not be the best use of the plant, according to Louisiana Economic Development Secretary Stephen Moret." ;

I don't understand as he says that ngv's are most suitable to fleets right now, and our plant was once a truck plant. Light duty trucks ARE fleet vehicles. Does BR really get to have that much say in what happens with OUR local plant? As I understand it, that V-Vehicle plant is stalled, too. I'm grumbling ...

Mr. Moret is correct. There is insufficient current demand for light duty CNG vehicles. As much as the thought of the Shreveport GM plant turning out CNG vehicles of any description is appealing, it is not well suited to that roll. And whatever company or companies has interest in an alternate use of the plant, they will require tax concessions and training assistance from the state.
I thought I remembered that some of the operators are now using light duty ng trucks. What would it take to make it "well suited?" And, since the state sees benefit from OUR ng production, I would think it would be in the state's best economic interests to work on those concessions & training assistance. It sure would also help us to continue to boast of a lower-than-national unemployment rate.

Maybe I should go bug some other folks, be like a mosquito in their ears. lol




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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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