just saw the docamentry GAS LAND is it true or fiction. It made me sick.

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Yes, Tammy it is mostly fiction. Just plain inaccurate. Never trust a squirrel with a video camera and an agenda. JMO
Anyone can make a film and call it a documentary. That does not make it fact.
"Big Foot" a documentary, "Two Dogs Rides Again", a documentary. What kind of camera do I need to shoot the Two Dogs flick? One of the documentary dudes rode with me for a day and he was using a Sony camera. Just wondering if anyone here on GHS has ever made a documentary film and what kind of camera they used.
Two Dogs, "Gasland" looked almost like a Blair Witch knock-off but far less entertaining.
I think a documentary on you might be one hell of a show. Just be yourself Brother. Sorry, I realize you are always yourself. And I tip my hat to you. (if I had a hat).
i just documented myself taking a dump, it'll probably also get rave reviews at sundance, just like gasland.
Tammy, just because I say I am a prince doesn't make me a prince.
I believe you Les.
I guess ole Tammy doesn't realize some folks may feed her a line.....

But ole Les, he is the man on GHS. Book it.

But.... we all say you are the King of GHS.
Bobi, I am just happy to be a distant 3rd cousin.


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