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Talk about casting a wide net.

The CV, the HA, and the SMK.


Wonder if this hints at oil? Over the years, I've read numerous such hearing letters, but I've personally never seen one so all inclusive of three formations. But y'know, maybe the other operators in the other fields never drilled down into the SMK like ÇHK did in section 8 and looked at all of it so closely before.

Interesting stuff. The oil rumor continues.
Multiple drilling units in the same application is common place. And the CV and Haynesville have been combined with the SMK in widely scattered areas including in north Caddo Parish.
They may be commonplace, but what GD is referring to here is that CHK is creating units in all three seperate formations after just now getting a good look at all three formations. Most operators create a CV and sometimes a Hosston along with their HA units, just to cover all the bases, and most are unitized long before a well is drilled. What makes this situation unique is that CHK is re-doing their units now that their PH 8 well just penetrated all three zones.
The original application was never approved because it was withdrawn.

10-497 - WITHDRAWN ASHLAND FIELD Hearing Notice

The SMK is only slightly less common than CV or HO combined with HA. Take a stroll through the unit applications and you will find numerous examples. I wouldn't jump to any conclusions at this point. This is not a unique situation.
Would CHK go to the trouble to re-unitize all three units after this first well with no plans to develop each one?

You know more about this than me, but what seems interesting is the fact that they are re-doing the units very shortly after drilling through and testing the zones. I have producing HA wells by two other operators and neither re-did the units after the wells were drilled and CHK has. Not saying the SMK is unusual, just seems a little different how they went about it.
There is nothing unusual about CHK's application for multiple zones in the same sections. And there is no re-unitization since as I mention above the original application was withdrawn and never heard so no unit order was issued. For those who recall discussions involving non-unitized wells, the fact that an application for unit status follows a well being drilled is fairly common place in the HS Play. When CHK permits a CV or SMK well or assigns those depths to another operator would be a proper time to speculate. There are multiple units in the same section in portions of the Play that have never seen a well drilled to any of the unitized formations. And the leases are expiring in some as I post this. I'm not saying that the Ashland Field is not a potential staked play area. I'm just saying it's way too early to have any expectations beyond the hope for some reasonably good Haynesville horizontal completions. CHK forming a unit for CV or SMK is no trouble and would likely indicate that their logs and cores show some potential for those formations. It's a huge leap from there to an expectation that CHK will be drilling wells other than HA. Particularly if the expectation is for oil.
Thanks for the response. This is a re-unitization of sorts. Check back in 2006, CHK unitized all of these sections for CV, Hosston and I believe Rodessa.
Highwayman, I wasn't aware of those older units. How many CV, HO or RO wells did CHK drill in those units?
Correction, no Rodessa, only CV & Hosston. No wells drilled till now. Thanks for your insight. Where's Les B?
Unit orders are good indefinitely. My crystal ball ain't good enough to tell when or if any of the zones besides the HA will be developed. It's nice to see that someone else has missed Les B. When he had been off the site for a week, I posted a comment on his page. I got no reply and assumed that he was on vacation. It's now been fifteen calendar days and I still haven't heard from him. I hope he's okay.
Where are you, Les B.?
Skip can you give an example of a Section or Sections south of Shreveport and in the core of the Haynesville where Chesapeake has filed for Smackover units other than these 7 most recent units in 13/8 and 13/7 ????????



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