completed well sec 21 drilling under sec 16 ser.#242623 sustainable forest 16 HZ well #001

Can anyone tell me what kind of production this well is puting out ie poor, avd good, excellent

This well went on line in June. We are suppose to be getting our first royalty checks on the last day of Sept but so far have unable to determine How good the well is. Thanks for your help.


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They did have problems, kept gettin pipe stuck, however they do have it in production. I have some numbers off the well but it doesn't mean much to me.

Comstock is showing 2451 mcf for the month of june.  it must have come on the last day.
If I remember correctly m equqtes to 1000. so 2451 would be multified by current cost of gas????

This well shows initial

 IP of 0.209 mmcf on 12/64 choke....something apparently went wrong with this well.






ken, I don't know what the initial ip of 0.209 mmcf means but someone with comstock told my wife that it wasn't avery good well and didn't know how long it will produce.

Mr. Aaron

Am sorry the well did not work out...when I noted the other blog from Kirk Hudson I tied your intrest together. I hope you both get something out of the months of waiting...Maybe they will drill another well in your section and things will be better.  Gail

Gail, thanks for your intrest, but can I ask who are you with?  Also I am not famaliar with Kirk Hudson.



Mr. Aaron ~ am with no one. I am interested in the future of natural gas in America and what we as Americans are going to do with what we have. I am a new member to gohaynesvilleshale and was cruising though the different blogs when I noticed your well number and Mr. Hudson's being the same. If you look for Mr. Hudson's blog ...different ones were giving him input about the well. Evidently there was some problems with the drilling. I was curious and so I went in Sonrise under the documents and did some research to see what everyone was talking be truthful it is all still a muddle to me. I asked some questions under Mr. Hudson's blog trying to understand...but still have no answers...

You might search under main...

Question for Experts

Everyone seems so hopeful and some have seen good wells and so when I saw yours as not turning out so made me sad. Guess I wanted you and your wife to know I felt bad for you all but hope you have better coming.  Gail


Gail, thanks again for your interest. I guess it is a wait and see. Our first checks are being mailed on the last day of this month.  I am thankful for whatever I get but like anyone I am hoping for the best.


Mr. Aaron

Like your attitude! THANKFUL!! Let us know if you all get to go out and buy a big juicy steak at the end of the month. :)




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