Asking as I have a RI&WI in a CHK well (Talbert 10-14-16 H-1) that was drilled in late 2010/early 2011 for $4MM+, reached PO earlier this year & received an AFE this month to re-work it for $5K+ w/ the total AFE for $4MM+. Sorta curious as a land friend in S'port w/ a RI&WI in sec. 27 also received a sim. AFE for $5K+ this month w/ the total AFE also 4MM+.

Skip, Jay or other SME's here, is this somewhat par for the course on wells of this age or .......

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M B, $4MM sounds like a re-frac to me.  I can't think what else it could be but Jay might have another idea.

Sorry for the necro here but per SONRIS there hasn’t been an uptick of production w/ this well since the large AFE in Aug. 2017.

Skip, Jay or any other SME’s w/ access to the industry side of SONRIS (lite’s all I have) do you fellas see anything different now that may indicate this wasn’t a re-frack after all? Merely trying to determine what the $4MM AFE could be attributed to given the amount of time that’s passed since last Aug.

I'm slammed, MB.  I don't have time to go hunting for the well serial number.  It makes it some much easier when those with questions provide the basic information to make the task of providing an informed answer easier.  Post the S/N and I will try to help you later.  I'll also show you how to access and use the Document Access portion of the database.  It doesn't take an expert to do that.  It's about as easy as Lite.

Understood Skip, sorry for not providing it & the serial # is: 242278 > HA RA SUM Talbert 10-14-16 H 001. Thx in advance as always & I'll take a look later this afternoon @ the Doc. Access portion to see if I can make any headway.

There is no report or form in the database that would indicate that a work order has been received.  So quiz CHK on the AFE and the plans for the work.  $4M sounds like a re-frac and the well production is getting low.

Thx as always Skip, will followup Tu. w/ CHK as the $5K AFE I received for this was from June 2017.

Thx for the input fellas, seems I've misspoken about the exact type of work performed, my bad. Def. glad that's the only WI owned in the HA play as I had a 2nd in 4-14-15 (evans/terrell group) that was unexpectedly found in 2014 but we did a farmout w/ that interest.

So given it's a re-frac, how frequent/common is that procedure now being done in the HA?

Hard to tell.  Many of the current HA operators are private companies that do not make corporate presentations and rarely issue a press release.  The public companies occasionally mention plans for some modest number of re-fracs.  The bottom line is that re-fracs are not a priority for any operator at this time though all of them expect that re-fracs will be a part of future operations as the technology improves and the costs come down.  The challenge of isolating specific stages within a perforated lateral for a re-frac is much different then the original completion operation.  And as new completion designs get better, and recover more reserves, it is unclear whether re-fracs on those wells will be economic at some point in the future. 

It gets little media attention but has been obvious within the industry for some time that the original HA horizontal well designs were not very good and left a lot of reserves in the ground.  In the lease retention phase of the Haynesville Shale, companies emphasized speed and cost as they raced the clock to HBP their leasehold.  It was only after that phase and the drop in natural gas prices that companies turned their attention to how to increase recovery percentages and lower the cost to produce an mcf.

Thx for that detailed reply Skip, as it helped fill in some of the mystery I had after receiving the email from EnergyLink w/ the AFE. That, plus the hard copy AFE from CHK sorta connected the dots w/ this issue.

Now if only this re-frac can generate enough new production (sim. to the well Jay mentioned) to combine w/ other CHK production & get us back out of jail/suspense & yes, I would like some cheese now to go w/ my whine.



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